Vexation, Get Thee Hence!
Let's get right to the matter at hand (for once), and make this short and sweet. Anyone who's read this missive lately knows I'm not especially crazy about the "improved" method of viewing photos that the blog software has recently adopted. I didn't think there was any way around it, but then I don't know a whole lot about computer programs or software either. One of our readers, Brad P., realized that, sympathized with our plight, and offered this solution:
Phil, regarding your blog photos: If you click on "Show Original" while in that annoying film strip view, you still get the original size pic. I use Firefox and it works fine. It does add an extra step, but we still get the full res photo. Hope this helps. Brad P. (If you don't use Firefox as your browser, right click on "Open in a New Tab" and you'll get the same thing---just click on the tab and the photo will pop up just like before. pf)
Thank you, Brad, from the bottom of our collective hearts! Here's a gift for you (and everybody else, too) from the collection of the late Bill Peake as a way of showing our appreciation!
This F7U-3 was photographed while flying with VX-4, but once you get past that we don't have much to say about the shot except that it's a gorgeous air-to-air study of a classic (although we aren't sure just why that is) Navy fighter from the 50s. Bill Peake via Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum
The Cutlass was an odd-looking airplane no matter which way you looked at it, but its ungainly lines have encouraged a great many otherwise-rational modelers to pray for state-of-the-art kits of the type, which they actually got from Fujimi in 1/72nd scale Way Back When. Us, we'd rather see a decent F-51H, but that's just how we are! Bill Peake via Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum
Then again, this just might be what you'd call a Classic---we'd sure call it that! This particular F8F-1B was featured on the decal sheet that accompanied the timeless 1/72nd scale Monogram Bearcat kit way back when it was first released in 1968 or so. It's easy to see why they chose those markings! Bill Peake Collection via Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum
This Grumman JRF-5 was assigned to Annapolis when it's photo was taken in 1947. There's something about those little Grumman amphibs that's always fascinated us... Bill Peake via Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum
And that's it for our special interim edition. Thanks once again to Brad P for his tip; we've tried his tip and it works!
Be good to your neighbor and we'll see you again next week!
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