Saturday, December 28, 2019
Submitted Plastic, An Antipodian Aarvark, A Famous Hun, A Famous Airplane, A Bobcat, Another Model, and A Texas Voodoo
The Whole Thing's Just SILLY!
We're a silly bunch, you know, not to mention thin-skinned and egotistical, and some of us, not all but some, are experts on anything anyone could possibly have any expertise about. It's true, and all we have to do to prove it is to go someplace where a large group of our kind are congregated, or join one of those Internet scale modeling boards. Do one of those things and look around, maybe even just look at me since I enjoy this hobby too. None of us are exempt from the madness!
Let's begin with that part about being silly, and let's start that discussion by examining what it is we do. We build plastic models. Taken on face value that doesn't sound like much, and it honestly doesn't sound particularly silly either. After all, there's nothing wrong with having a hobby, and there are any number of learned people out there who will tell you a hobby is good for the mind and good for the soul. I can buy into that one, and have quite literally done that very thing if you take into account the unbuilt kits and unopened decals ("gotta get 'em while they're available") residing in the somewhat enormous walk-in closet sitting off my right elbow at this very moment. I don't count my reference library in the Silly category because I've been reading since age 5 (the same age I began modeling!), and doing that somewhat voraciously. That effectively means the references are actually two hobbies for the price of one, so they're ok. It's also what's known in The Real World as justification, but all those kits and stickies are another matter entirely.
Some of us also take ourselves very seriously because of our hobby. Very. Seriously. That's ok when we're with our peers, because a great many of them take themselves very seriously too, but there are a whole bunch of normal people out there ("OK, Friddell; define normal!" says my clinical psychologist friend Frank) who think the whole thing is, well; silly! Plastic model airplanes. Closets full of them, unbuilt or partially built. Shelves full of them too, built or partially built. Silly.
Then there's thin-skinned. We'll get into a disagreement or outright argument with people we've known half our lives, or people we'll never meet in real life because we know them over the Internet, over the finer points of plastic modeling or, perhaps more properly stated, each individual's own perception of same. I'm right. You aren't. It's that simple, but it's also devisive, it's damaging to all concerned, and it's silly.
Finally, there's the part where somebody's an expert and you're not. You don't know anything, but that person does and they'll by gosh let you know it; in person, in print, via electrons, or any other way they can figure to accomplish that task; all they require is an audience of some sort and they're off to the races. They're right, or I am, or you are; therefore nobody else is. Period. End of discussion. Well, it could be the end unless the discussion starts feeding off itself, becoming a sort of polystyrene breeder reactor, and then it goes crazy (and I mean straight-up bat-poop crazy here!). Friendships end. People get thrown out of clubs and organizations, or get banned from internet modeling boards, and it all happens because of a disagreement over something related to plastic scale modeling. If that's not silly, I don't know what is.
Now all that's out of the way, what if we agree to take a different approach to the hobby, and let's keep in mind that word: HOBBY. Our hobby, or any other hobby you might think of, can't possibly be any fun if your blood pressure is jacked up and those little veins on the sides of your forehead are all popping out because somebody disagreed with the kit you started with or didn't care for the way you painted your plastic model.
Please understand the perspective here: I'm not saying I'm right and I'm certainly not saying any of you are wrong in the way you go about enjoying this marvelous hobby of ours. On a strictly personal level I try my best to build accurate scale replicas of real airplanes at some point in their service careers, and I try to use the most accurate kits, decals, paint, and references I can find when I do it. I like to do these things. They're fun, and they soothe my soul, but when I make that jump from my own personal outlook on the hobby to telling somebody else how to do it in theirs the whole thing becomes---get ready for it---SILLY!
And that's what I have to say about that!
We Asked For It and We Got It!
Yes indeed; someone other than Norman Camou or myself sent in a photo of a model airplane they built!
Remember last issue when we mentioned that sometimes the folks in our hobby would talk about how they wanted a kit of a particular airplane and then not buy the resulting kit because it wasn't the variant they wanted? Well, boys and girls, this model illustrates one such badly-needed kit that would quite literally constitute a license to print money, a Korean War-vintage slat-winged F-86 Sabre! This particular example began life as a normal Academy kit with their standard in-the-box hard leading edged and fenced 6-3 wing. That's pretty much how all the 1/48th scale kit manufacturers treat the F-86Es and Fs, which means you have to take matters in your own hands if you want to replicate one of the myriad of slat-winged examples that were used in the KW. Cutting Edge did a conversion for us back when they were still a going concern, and it's their aftermarket set that Frank used here. Pretty nice, huh?
SO; if you really and truly want to pester the kit manufacturers about a brand new state-of-the-art kit of the Whatever It Is, why not ask for something the hobby really needs and has in fact needed for decades---a slat-winged F-86E or F? And no, Virginia; the F-40 doesn't count, because that takes us right back into Conversion Land if we're doing a KW bird. Nope; we want an out of the box, slatted Korean War-vintage Sabre so...
What do we want? A SLAT-WINGED KW SABRE!!!
When do we want it? NOW!!!
Whew! Anyway, thanks to Frank for the photo of his model. Now it's time for someone who isn't Norm, Frank, or myself to submit a photo or two! That e-mail addy is replicainscaleatyahoodotcom so get after it, ya'll!
Were They Really Doing That?
A long time ago, back when we were still involved in the photography of military airplanes, we attended RAM 88, an international photo-recon competition held every other year at the late and heavily lamented Bergstrom AFB. As a means of providing inspiration to a certain segment of our readership, here's a photo for those of you who enjoy building dioramas:
That F-111C is from 6 Squadron RAAF and the ground crew in the photo are engaged at turning the airplane around between sorties. They did a seriously good job of that too, but they also inadvertently provided a bit of comic relief because of the number of people involved in that turnaround---one of my friends counted 21 different technicians in the photo! They also provided a legitimate and documented "you'll never believe it happened" modeling opportunity. How about it, ya'll? Can this be a diorama in your modeling future? Friddell
Who Remembers "Triple Zilch"?
Most of you, probably, or at least most of you old enough to have ever possessed any of the old Profile Publications, because that very airplane, F-100D-69-NA, serial number 56-3000, provided the centerfold artwork for the F-100 edition of that seminal reference 1960s reference source. That artwork showed the airplane in its prime, back when it belonged to the Wing King of the 20th TFW in England. Here's a slightly different view of it taken a few years later:
After its service with the 20th, "Triple Zilch" was transferred to the Air National Guard and ended up with the 182nd TFS/149th TFG at Kelly, where it served until their transition to the F-4C Phantom II several years later. Somewhere during that transition process it was decided to take one of the Super Sabres assigned to the group and "Zilch" was chosen for that honor. She's on display at what used to be Kelly AFB right now this very minute but was still waiting for her trip to Corrosion Control for her Gate Guard Makeover when I shot this image back in November of 1979. Phillip Friddell
There's an upshot to the story, too. There is, or at least was, an F-100D marked as "Triple Zilch" on display with the 20th, but it isn't the real one and never has been. Nope; that one lives at what's now called Kelly USA, right here in South Texas. We're personally still a little chuffed that Kelly, one of the oldest bases in the US Air Force's history, was killed off in one of the BRAC evolutions of the 1990s to become part of Lackland AFB, which was itself a WW2 offshoot of Kelly, but somebody there thought they ought to save this airplane, which is an Up Side, sortof, or maybe not. So much for heritage, right?
Anyway, you can still see the real "Triple Zilch" if you want to, but you've got to go to San Antonio to do it. We're just glad she was preserved!
Not a Miner
But most assuredly a Forty-Niner! Here's a nose-on image of "Snake Bite" Bob Vaught's 9th FS/49th FG "Bob's Robin" for your consideration:
It's possible we've seen this particular shot before, since "Bob's Robin" was frequently photographed during the 49th's Darwin days, but it's new to me. The image doesn't show us anything we haven't already seen but that airplane, shoved back into the bush for concealment, truly does tell a story. Gerry Kersey Collection
Those guys from the early, dark days in the Southwest Pacific were really something. They stood up when they were called, and they set the bar for all who followed. Need we say it? Let's raise a glass!
A Bonus From Bobby
There's not a whole lot to say about this next photograph except that it illustrates an exceedingly well-worn P-38. We don't know the unit, the location, the pilot, or even the model variant, but the image is worth running for those of you contemplating building a Tamiya P-38. Don't pay undue attention to the shade of OD exhibited, color shift and real-life fading being what they are, but note the somewhat extreme weathering exhibited. Are you up for a modeling challenge on your new Tamiya P-38?
OK; have at it! The chipping exhibited here appears to go right down to bare metal along the leading edges of the wings---what a mess, eh? Good luck with that model! Rocker Collection
So You Bought the Kit
And now you're looking for something to do with your Czech Model JRC-1 Bobcat, right? Here's an idea that might have escaped your consideration:
Jim Sullivan's personal photo archives are vast indeed, and you just never know what you'll find in there. Take this, for example; a Cessna JRC-1 Bobcat used by the station flight at NAS Atlantic City in 1946. The airplane is silver dope with a black anti-glare panel, and we're willing to go out on a limb and suggest the backs of the props are black as well. It's a simple scheme and would look great on that recent 1/48th scale Czech Model kit. You don't even need custom decals to do it, either; appropriately-sized black lettering in the font illustrated will get the job done, even though we can't read the BuNo on the vertical. Ted Stone via Sullivan Collection
Another Way to Do It
There are a lot of folks out there who do what we'll call nostalgia modeling, taking older kits, maybe even from the 1950s, and building them for display, quite often on a stand. Say what you will about that old stuff, but those kits look pretty good when mounted on a stand and sitting on a desk. Take the concept (putting stuff on stands, that is) and bring it up to the present day, but using a near-contemporary kit instead of one of the old-timers, and you can get some amazing results. Take this model, a B-47E by Stan Kurcz, for example:
Holy cow, Martha, would you look at that?! This particular Stratojet is in 1/144th scale, which we presume makes it the MiniCraft offering, and it's a thing of beauty, as well as the perfect airplane for a display piece in that scale. The silver finish is predominately Alclad, with assorted subtle weathering techniques added. Stan hails from IPMS Butch O'Hare in Chicago and we've got a few other models of his to show you in the months ahead. Stan Kurcz
The Stars at Night
That's the lead-in to a song about Texas, although our final airplane for today only has one star; a great honking big one back on the vertical stab:
Your editor (that's me!) shot this immaculate F-101B-90-MC, 57-0348, during a photo visit with Houston's ANG facility at Ellington way back in December of 1980. We loved the way the 111th FIS/147th FIG painted their brutish interceptors back the and we still love the paint job today. Check out that line mechanic for scale. Yep; the Voodoo was a big airplane! Phillip Friddell
It Wouldn't Be Replica in Scale
Without a contribution from Norman Camou. Here's an essential piece on the struggle for Guadalcanal for your education and enjoyment:
No; this video isn't the usual WW2 footage with Lowell Thomas or similar doing the narration, but rather a scholarly symposium on the battle. It's well worth a watch---thanks as always to Norman for finding these gems for us!
Happy Snaps
Yep; it's another Happy Snap, the first in a while!
A KC-130T (162311) of VMGR-234 tanks a section of Grumman EA-6B Prowlers from VAQ-141 near Puerto Rico on 17 November 1989. It's a fitting image to close out 2019 with, and a sad reminder that we have to deface our otherwise superior photographic contributions because of those darned Picture Pirates. You guys really ought to be ashamed of yourselves... Rick Morgan
The Relief Tube
Yes, really! We have a Relief Tube entry for this edition, from our friend Eric Methieu concerning the identify of a Piper YL-21 that we ran way back in September of 2011!
I suppose you already have the answers about two pictures of Piper L-21. 8 years ago!!! I think this aircraft is a Piper YL-21 Super Cub serial 51-6496. Thanks to Joe Baugher's site. 16496 is barely visible on the fin.
Eric "Badluck" Mathieu from France
Many thanks for the comment, Eric---it's never too late to add to or correct a caption around here! We appreciate your contribution!
And that's it for this issue, and also for the year 2019! You've probably noticed how brief this installment is, but rest assured it's not the beginning of a trend! We haven't published a whole lot of late and it would have run this edition into next year if we'd continued work on it---the simple truth is we want to publish it now, before the year ends. Please be patient and stay with us, because we've got a ton of really interesting photography to share with you in the months ahead, but until then be good to your neighbor. We'll meet again soon!
Monday, November 18, 2019
So Many Choices, Texas Phantoms, A Polystyrene Fort, An Emil, An Aussie Hawk, Down in the Weeds, and A Couple From Norm
So Many Choices, Mostly Flawed
Or to put it another way; Huh?
A couple of days ago I was reading the handful of modeling boards that constitute the beginning of cognizance for me on most mornings and I noticed a thematic trend, or maybe I didn't notice a trend at all and am simply making this up for the sake of a lead-in to today's somewhat deranged meandering. Which one doesn't matter. You have to start somewhere, right?
Here's the premise. It's one you're all familiar with because it comes around a couple of times a year, each and every year, but it always amazes me so by simple association it must surely amaze you as well. Well, maybe it does or maybe it doesn't, but the topic of the hour is Kits I Want Somebody to Produce For Me. It's a simple topic if taken at face value: Nobody makes a decent kit, or makes one in my chosen scale, or makes one at all, of the (fill in the blank here), which happens to be my very favorite airplane ever, one which I want more than anything else in the whole entire universe, and somebody ought to do that. Somebody really ought to.
Let's think about Somebody who ought to make that kit for just a minute, because the term encompasses quite a bit of territory, starting with the guys who produce a handful of kits out of resin, maybe in their garage, and running right up to the big-name manufacturers of polystyrene kits, with all sorts of permutations within those boundaries. Somebody ought to devine (that means figure out) the kit I want, design and produce it to Tamiya standards, and sell it at a price I can easily afford, but that won't happen if I'm the only one who wants it, so lets take a poll, or have a survey, or do something, doggone it, because I/we really really want that kit!
Here's how it works. Somebody starts a thread on one of those boards by asking which airplane the readership most wants to see produced in whatever medium may be under discussion, which in turn produces a veritable cascade of I Wants from Said Readership. Some of the I Wants will have considerable merit, some will be somewhat questionable, while a large percentage will fall into that rabbit hole that lives out there in They Don't Know How This Works In The Real World Land. Don't believe me? Try these on for size, then:
The B-36, in 1/48th or 1/32nd scale. Yes; that very thing actually shows up on lists from time to time. There's at least one kit out there in 1/144th, and there's Monogram's magnificent effort in 1/72nd, but that latter offering never sold well when it was new because of size and cost so bigger might not necessarily be better---maybe that one's not such a great idea after all...
American jet fighters of the 1950s, to include the Century Series. Almost any of those could be legitimate to some extent, because most of the available kits are old and getting older by the minute, or of extremely mediocre quality, but there's a catch. (There's always a catch!) There are folks out there who would like a state-of-the-art Lockheed F-90, or a Chance Vought F6U, but you can count those folks on the fingers of one hand (which means zero interest from the big name manufacturers) and besides, we can't even get a slat-wing F-86 in most of the available scales, much less a Pirate. Add to that general mayhem the rather obvious fact that the variant of our hypothetical 50s jet fighter that someone actually chooses to kit won't ever be the one people will go out and buy, even if that variant is the exact same one they put on their Gotta Have One lists. They'll ask for a C-model and get it, and then bemoan the fact that they didn't get an A-model too or instead of. Go figure, right?
'Tween the Wars and Great War biplanes of any sort are in there too, and I have to admit the prospect of that one definitely gets me excited, but the folks who manufacture kits of such things are few and far between and the kits are almost invariably poor sellers, Wingnut Wings notwithstanding.
One-offs of any era. Decent kits of airplanes like The Spirit of St Louis will sell, usually. So will the true oddballs, but they'll only sell to a small circle of enthusiasts and therein lies the rub!
People who make short-run kits out of resin, or by way of 3D printing, or vacuumforms, or with tissue paper and popsicle sticks, tend to do it as a labor of love, but at some point even the most altruistic of those folks would like to receive some degree of adequate financial compensation for their efforts, if only to cover their costs as opposed to producing their short-run kits at a continual loss. The big companies who produce kits out of injection-molded polystyrene have a completely different business model; the guy in the garage can break even and consider it a Good Thing because he loves what he's doing, but those big guys who have employees and overhead to deal with need to make a lot more money than that, an event that will never occur if they chose to invest in 1/32nd scale kits of the legendary (and entirely mythical) Humbly Pudge Heavyish Bomber.
There's the kicker then, which also happens to be The Point: You want one of whatever-it-is, you get a bunch of people on those modeling boards excited and wanting one too, and some manufacturer, large or small but almost inevitably either heavily dedicated to the hobby or just not very bright, takes the bait and produces one. Its retail cost, medium, and degree of sophistication reflect the slings and arrows of research, tooling, production and probably overhead, and that guy who started the whole thing in the first place decides not to buy one because it costs more than he wants it to, a price that, in the eye of the requestor, is often just barely more expensive than Free. Most of his friends don't buy one either, possibly because they never really wanted one in the first place. The eventual bottom line gets us to the inevitable part where the manufacturer thinks twice before ever going down that road again. Don't believe me? Look around!
One the other hand, we're actually getting some of the things we thought we'd never see, like that new F-51H that, so there's always hope. I wouldn't hold my breath over the Humbly Pudge bomber, though...
Phantoms in the TXANG
San Antonio's 149th TFG has been in the fighter business for quite a while, and for a portion of that career, back during the late 1970s through the late 1980s, were flying the legendary Double Ugly, the mighty McDonnell Douglas F-4C Phantom II. I used to get out to their ramp from time to time and would like to share one of those adventures with you, from a shoot in November of 1979.
Here's a fine example of a Charlie-model F-4 in TXANG service. 63-7419, an F-4C-15-MC Phantom basks in the sunshine on the 149th's ramp at what used to be Kelly AFB. There's no tailcode, but otherwise this particular example of "Double Ugly" could have been any one of a great many F-4s in service with the Air Force, the Guard, or the Reserves during that era. 419 was undergoing pre-flight when I took this photograph. Friddell
There's nothing quite like a sunny ramp full of Phantoms to get your interest up! 63-0625 was an F-4C-20-MC and there was absolutely nothing special about her that day except for the "TEXAS" ribbon across her vertical stab. Things look fairly placid in this particular shot, but the 149th was, and still is to this day, a highly professional and proficient fighter outfit. Did flying the F-4 help that image back in The Day? Oh yes it did! Friddell
Modern aircraft, "modern" in this case being anything built for the USAF after 1955 or so, are often covered in stencilled warnings and instructions and 64-0750, an F-4C-23-MC of the 149th, illustrates that practice to an almost ridiculous extent. Yikes! On a more modeler-friendly note, the 149th was tasked with the air-to-mud mission during the late 70s, as attested to by the gun pod and TERs attached to this airframe. If I were a betting man, I'd say she was on her way to move a little sand at the gunnery range on Matagorda Island but then again maybe not. Still, she is loaded with that pod... Friddell
64-0827 was wearing a pod that day as well, and she's got TERs on her inboard stations too. Modelers take note of that gas bag; it's dented and the paint demarcation line on its nose cap doesn't match that of the main tank body. The devil's in the details, as this F-4C-24-MC attests! Friddell
In somewhat striking contrast here's a view of 64-0879, another F-4C-24-MC, carrying nothing underneath her airframe other than the inboard stations, although those are fitted with TERs. It's hard to call the Phantom II a pretty airplane no matter what configuration a given airplane might be in, but the type does look kindof classy when it's all cleaned up. Friddell
I'm personally not a very big fan of straight-on profile views of airplanes; I think they're just too darned clinical and sterile, but a lot of people prefer that. Here's a view of 64-0918, an F-4C-25-MC, that I photographed for those who enjoy such things. Let me be clear about that last statement, though; if you'd care to submit photographs of American military aircraft for possible use on this site (at replicainscaleatyahoodotcom ) I'm perfectly cool with clinical side views! They aren't a first choice, doggone it, but who am I to ever say no to a decent picture of an airplane? Friddell
That's it for today's look at the immortal "Phantoom", although you can pretty much bet you'll be seeing more of the type in the months ahead. We're fond of the Phantom II around here, dontchaknow?
One Big Honkin' Flying Fortress
By now you've all noticed that certain folks show up repetitively on these pages. One such individual is Norman Camou, who has supported us with a seemingly endless supply of really neat YouTube links to aviation topics and, more recently, with photographs of some of his models. Here's yet another example of the latter:
HK happens to make an extremely attractive B-17G kit in 1/32nd scale, and Norm turned his talents to building one of them a while back. This photograph says a lot for the overall quality of the kit and, more importantly, for Norm's not-inconsiderable talents. The completed model is a big 'un, and takes up a fair amount of space when on display, but the kit has been designed in a manner to allow the wings to be removed and reattached, thus simplifying storage when the beast isn't on display. We like it! Norman Camou
Norm's B-17G is seriously cool, but that shot is also the only photograph of a completed model we've received here since I asked for such submissions last issue. No, wait; Frank Emmett did send me a couple of pictures of some model railroad buildings he's working on for a mutual friend of ours, but nobody else has, so I'd like to re-extend the invitation to you all. Remember that title: Replica in Scale? That "replica" part means models, ya'll! I happen to like what Norm's doing, and I tend to like what I'm doing as well but it's a far bigger world than that so how about it? Do you build? Do you build to a reasonable standard? Then you're our guy or gal! Photos should be in JPG format if possible and large enough to present well. You don't get paid for them, nor do you receive any sort of prize, but you probably will get your fifteen minutes of fame if we publish one of your photos. That e-mail addy, suitably gomed-up to mess with The Spam Brigade, is replicainscaleatyahoodotcom .
Willy in the Balkans
Or one of his creations, anyway. This one's a reproduction of a JG27 BF-109E-7 in use during the latter stages of Operation Marita, Mr Hitler's ultimately flawed excursion into the Balkans, and is from the much maligned 1/32nd scale Eduard kit:
Several years ago our friends over at Eduard made an attempt at breaking into the lucrative 1/32nd scale model airplane market but their premier attempt fell flat. The list of things that needed correction on that initial kit was lengthy and somewhat damning, and the kit was a severe disappointment in consequence although it was, and remains, quite buildable. In this view you can see one of the significant issues; Eduard's treatment of the fabric control surfaces. I rather obviously didn't fix them, but you could if you wanted to. I also didn't bother to put the hand-holds in the windscreen corners and I really should have done that, but such is life! Friddell
This photo shows something I actually did correct, and you should too if you choose to build this model: As things come out of the box the slats on the wing leading edges are just too darned deep, chord-wise, and look pretty silly if you know how the real airplane appears in comparison. Fortunately the fix is an easy one, simply a matter of laying in a filler strip in the slat well (which is actually incorrect on almost every 109 kit ever made that allows for dropped slats, not just Eduard's, because there isn't any deep slat bay there at all) and then trimming back the slat itself. The mlg tires and wheels on this model are from an Aires accessory set meant for the 1/32nd scale Bf109F family, while the lawn-tractor tread has been sanded off the kit tailwheel and said edifice slightly reshaped. It looks ok, don't you think? Friddell
On the other hand, the Eduard kit just isn't very good when taken as a serious replica of the E-series Bf109s. There are some dimensional issues that are difficult to address in addition to other flawed details, and there's actually no point in building one if you have the far better Dragon offering available to you BUT that's with a huge caveat. The kit is extremely buildable, and it looks pretty good once it's done, but like we said, it isn't accurate out of the box and getting it up to a higher level of fidelity to the real thing is a chore at best. It can be done, of course; just go over and visit the fine folks at BritModeller and look for examples of what some of their contributors have done with the kit if you don't believe me. The point is that a decent-looking, if somewhat inaccurate, model can be produced from the kit. Would I enter this model in a contest? No; I would not. Would I put this model in my 1/32nd scale Luftwaffe collection as an adequate representation of a late Emil? Yes I would, and in point of fact I have. It's all something about the eye of the beholder, if I'm not mistaken...
A Nifty Warhawk From Bobby
An issue of Replica just wouldn't be the same if we didn't offer a photo or two of the war in the Pacific from Bobby Rocker's extensive archives. Let's begin with a really nice P-40N:
This is such a neat photo I had to run it, although I don't know all that much about it. It was taken on Biak in 1944, which should make it from either 78 or 80 Sqdn RAAF, but I'm not sure which. What I am sure of is that it's a well-worn P-40N (Warhawk Mk IV) and its overall appearance makes it a wonderful candidate for a scale model. Notice in particular the generally disreputable appearance of the lower wing between the landing gear fairings and the outer guns, and the heavy lead deposits on the exhaust stacks, the result of cruising the aircraft with an extremely lean throttle mixture. The devil's in the details, as they say, and there are a whole bunch of those details visible here! Rocker Collection
Just How Low Is Low?
Yep; that's a rhetorical question, and one that makes no sense without a context. Let's consider the American 5th Air Force in the Southwest Pacific as context then, because Low had a whole lot of meaning for them, at least where their attack aircraft and medium bombers were concerned.
How about this one for starters? It's somewhat of an enigma in our world since we don't know the serial number, nor do we know if there's different artwork on her port side, although we'd willing to bet there is. What we do know is that she was an A-20G with the 90th BS in 1944, and she was one impressive-looking airplane! Rocker Collection
Of course, there was a price to be paid in the SWPAC, even if you were in a smokin' hot outfit and flew an airplane like the B-25G. By 1943 the odds were mostly in your favor, but that didn't eliminate the danger altogether because, besides the Japanese, you still had to contend with capricious weather and extremely poor operational conditions each and every time you got in the airplane. We don't know for sure which one of those things did in this 499th BS Mitchell, but we suspect the place to be Owi Island and it would appear her crew got out ok. It wasn't always that way. Rocker Collection
Here's a really poor photograph of another B-25G, this time undergoing maintenance, for your consideration. Think about what you're looking at for a minute, and let's put it in the proper context. Let's pretend like you're doing major repair work on your car, and let's pretend you live in the Florida Everglades and your driveway is on the edge of a swamp. Let's add heat, humidity, bugs, snakes, and the occasional air raid to your repair efforts. That was every day for those guys; every stinkin' day, and they got it done every day. Every stinkin' day! Rocker Collection
Every once in a while Bobby will send along a photo that's carrying a caption. Such is the case with this shot of "Mexican Spitfire", a B-25D from the 500th BS of the 345th BW. She's obviously seen the elephant more than a few times, and will eventually see it one time too many. There were no easy days in the 5th AF, not ever. Rocker Collection
And Now For Another Havoc
Just one, but it's a SPECIAL one! Take a look and see if you don't agree!
Ok; everybody who's seen this photo of an 89th BS A-20 undergoing field maintenance (in the truest sense of that term, we might add) raise your hand. Got it! Now; everybody who's seen this image more than once, including right here on this very site, raise your hand again. Yep, it's true. We've all seen this airplane before, but most of the prints out there are pretty iffy at best and you can't really see the airplane, which means you can't tell she's carrying nose art and the name "Daisy Mae", along with a bunch of mission markers. This particular image is better than most and you actually can see those things this time around. Don't thank us; thank James Gallagher! James P. Gallagher
There are two sides to every story---here's the largely unknown other side of "Daisy Mae"! This photo defines even more details about 0146; note in particular the U.S. Army logo still under her wings. Many thanks to Gerry Kersey for sharing this image from Gus O'Donnell, 89th BS crew chief. O'Donnell Collection via Kersey
And finally, just when you thought things couldn't possibly get any better, here's a detail of the name, mission markers, and part of the nose art on "Daisy Mae"! Jack Taylor was her pilot and we'd like to raise a glass to him and all those like him. They were a special breed! John Taylor Collection via Gerry Kersey
Many thanks to Gerry Kersey, both for correcting some misinformation we had on this aircraft and for supplying the additional images. The help is greatly appreciated!
Links From Norm
Frequent contributor Norman Camou, a man who's becoming ever more prominent on these electronic pages, sends in all sorts of really neat aviation-related links, sometimes several a week. Here are a couple of them for your enjoyment:
First is a link to an A-4 story from the Naval Institute's on-line magazine that might be of interest to you:
And then THIS jewel, off of YouTube and an absolute must-see if you have any interest whatsoever in the Naval air war in the Pacific:
And finally, there's this:
A few minutes with any of these should prove well worth your time!
See You Later, Alligator!
Which is a relatively goofy way of saying we're done for this particular issue. We should be back once more before we're done with 2019, though so watch this space and be good to your neighbor!
Or to put it another way; Huh?
A couple of days ago I was reading the handful of modeling boards that constitute the beginning of cognizance for me on most mornings and I noticed a thematic trend, or maybe I didn't notice a trend at all and am simply making this up for the sake of a lead-in to today's somewhat deranged meandering. Which one doesn't matter. You have to start somewhere, right?
Here's the premise. It's one you're all familiar with because it comes around a couple of times a year, each and every year, but it always amazes me so by simple association it must surely amaze you as well. Well, maybe it does or maybe it doesn't, but the topic of the hour is Kits I Want Somebody to Produce For Me. It's a simple topic if taken at face value: Nobody makes a decent kit, or makes one in my chosen scale, or makes one at all, of the (fill in the blank here), which happens to be my very favorite airplane ever, one which I want more than anything else in the whole entire universe, and somebody ought to do that. Somebody really ought to.
Let's think about Somebody who ought to make that kit for just a minute, because the term encompasses quite a bit of territory, starting with the guys who produce a handful of kits out of resin, maybe in their garage, and running right up to the big-name manufacturers of polystyrene kits, with all sorts of permutations within those boundaries. Somebody ought to devine (that means figure out) the kit I want, design and produce it to Tamiya standards, and sell it at a price I can easily afford, but that won't happen if I'm the only one who wants it, so lets take a poll, or have a survey, or do something, doggone it, because I/we really really want that kit!
Here's how it works. Somebody starts a thread on one of those boards by asking which airplane the readership most wants to see produced in whatever medium may be under discussion, which in turn produces a veritable cascade of I Wants from Said Readership. Some of the I Wants will have considerable merit, some will be somewhat questionable, while a large percentage will fall into that rabbit hole that lives out there in They Don't Know How This Works In The Real World Land. Don't believe me? Try these on for size, then:
The B-36, in 1/48th or 1/32nd scale. Yes; that very thing actually shows up on lists from time to time. There's at least one kit out there in 1/144th, and there's Monogram's magnificent effort in 1/72nd, but that latter offering never sold well when it was new because of size and cost so bigger might not necessarily be better---maybe that one's not such a great idea after all...
American jet fighters of the 1950s, to include the Century Series. Almost any of those could be legitimate to some extent, because most of the available kits are old and getting older by the minute, or of extremely mediocre quality, but there's a catch. (There's always a catch!) There are folks out there who would like a state-of-the-art Lockheed F-90, or a Chance Vought F6U, but you can count those folks on the fingers of one hand (which means zero interest from the big name manufacturers) and besides, we can't even get a slat-wing F-86 in most of the available scales, much less a Pirate. Add to that general mayhem the rather obvious fact that the variant of our hypothetical 50s jet fighter that someone actually chooses to kit won't ever be the one people will go out and buy, even if that variant is the exact same one they put on their Gotta Have One lists. They'll ask for a C-model and get it, and then bemoan the fact that they didn't get an A-model too or instead of. Go figure, right?
'Tween the Wars and Great War biplanes of any sort are in there too, and I have to admit the prospect of that one definitely gets me excited, but the folks who manufacture kits of such things are few and far between and the kits are almost invariably poor sellers, Wingnut Wings notwithstanding.
One-offs of any era. Decent kits of airplanes like The Spirit of St Louis will sell, usually. So will the true oddballs, but they'll only sell to a small circle of enthusiasts and therein lies the rub!
People who make short-run kits out of resin, or by way of 3D printing, or vacuumforms, or with tissue paper and popsicle sticks, tend to do it as a labor of love, but at some point even the most altruistic of those folks would like to receive some degree of adequate financial compensation for their efforts, if only to cover their costs as opposed to producing their short-run kits at a continual loss. The big companies who produce kits out of injection-molded polystyrene have a completely different business model; the guy in the garage can break even and consider it a Good Thing because he loves what he's doing, but those big guys who have employees and overhead to deal with need to make a lot more money than that, an event that will never occur if they chose to invest in 1/32nd scale kits of the legendary (and entirely mythical) Humbly Pudge Heavyish Bomber.
There's the kicker then, which also happens to be The Point: You want one of whatever-it-is, you get a bunch of people on those modeling boards excited and wanting one too, and some manufacturer, large or small but almost inevitably either heavily dedicated to the hobby or just not very bright, takes the bait and produces one. Its retail cost, medium, and degree of sophistication reflect the slings and arrows of research, tooling, production and probably overhead, and that guy who started the whole thing in the first place decides not to buy one because it costs more than he wants it to, a price that, in the eye of the requestor, is often just barely more expensive than Free. Most of his friends don't buy one either, possibly because they never really wanted one in the first place. The eventual bottom line gets us to the inevitable part where the manufacturer thinks twice before ever going down that road again. Don't believe me? Look around!
One the other hand, we're actually getting some of the things we thought we'd never see, like that new F-51H that, so there's always hope. I wouldn't hold my breath over the Humbly Pudge bomber, though...
Phantoms in the TXANG
San Antonio's 149th TFG has been in the fighter business for quite a while, and for a portion of that career, back during the late 1970s through the late 1980s, were flying the legendary Double Ugly, the mighty McDonnell Douglas F-4C Phantom II. I used to get out to their ramp from time to time and would like to share one of those adventures with you, from a shoot in November of 1979.
Here's a fine example of a Charlie-model F-4 in TXANG service. 63-7419, an F-4C-15-MC Phantom basks in the sunshine on the 149th's ramp at what used to be Kelly AFB. There's no tailcode, but otherwise this particular example of "Double Ugly" could have been any one of a great many F-4s in service with the Air Force, the Guard, or the Reserves during that era. 419 was undergoing pre-flight when I took this photograph. Friddell
There's nothing quite like a sunny ramp full of Phantoms to get your interest up! 63-0625 was an F-4C-20-MC and there was absolutely nothing special about her that day except for the "TEXAS" ribbon across her vertical stab. Things look fairly placid in this particular shot, but the 149th was, and still is to this day, a highly professional and proficient fighter outfit. Did flying the F-4 help that image back in The Day? Oh yes it did! Friddell
Modern aircraft, "modern" in this case being anything built for the USAF after 1955 or so, are often covered in stencilled warnings and instructions and 64-0750, an F-4C-23-MC of the 149th, illustrates that practice to an almost ridiculous extent. Yikes! On a more modeler-friendly note, the 149th was tasked with the air-to-mud mission during the late 70s, as attested to by the gun pod and TERs attached to this airframe. If I were a betting man, I'd say she was on her way to move a little sand at the gunnery range on Matagorda Island but then again maybe not. Still, she is loaded with that pod... Friddell
64-0827 was wearing a pod that day as well, and she's got TERs on her inboard stations too. Modelers take note of that gas bag; it's dented and the paint demarcation line on its nose cap doesn't match that of the main tank body. The devil's in the details, as this F-4C-24-MC attests! Friddell
In somewhat striking contrast here's a view of 64-0879, another F-4C-24-MC, carrying nothing underneath her airframe other than the inboard stations, although those are fitted with TERs. It's hard to call the Phantom II a pretty airplane no matter what configuration a given airplane might be in, but the type does look kindof classy when it's all cleaned up. Friddell
I'm personally not a very big fan of straight-on profile views of airplanes; I think they're just too darned clinical and sterile, but a lot of people prefer that. Here's a view of 64-0918, an F-4C-25-MC, that I photographed for those who enjoy such things. Let me be clear about that last statement, though; if you'd care to submit photographs of American military aircraft for possible use on this site (at replicainscaleatyahoodotcom ) I'm perfectly cool with clinical side views! They aren't a first choice, doggone it, but who am I to ever say no to a decent picture of an airplane? Friddell
That's it for today's look at the immortal "Phantoom", although you can pretty much bet you'll be seeing more of the type in the months ahead. We're fond of the Phantom II around here, dontchaknow?
One Big Honkin' Flying Fortress
By now you've all noticed that certain folks show up repetitively on these pages. One such individual is Norman Camou, who has supported us with a seemingly endless supply of really neat YouTube links to aviation topics and, more recently, with photographs of some of his models. Here's yet another example of the latter:
HK happens to make an extremely attractive B-17G kit in 1/32nd scale, and Norm turned his talents to building one of them a while back. This photograph says a lot for the overall quality of the kit and, more importantly, for Norm's not-inconsiderable talents. The completed model is a big 'un, and takes up a fair amount of space when on display, but the kit has been designed in a manner to allow the wings to be removed and reattached, thus simplifying storage when the beast isn't on display. We like it! Norman Camou
Norm's B-17G is seriously cool, but that shot is also the only photograph of a completed model we've received here since I asked for such submissions last issue. No, wait; Frank Emmett did send me a couple of pictures of some model railroad buildings he's working on for a mutual friend of ours, but nobody else has, so I'd like to re-extend the invitation to you all. Remember that title: Replica in Scale? That "replica" part means models, ya'll! I happen to like what Norm's doing, and I tend to like what I'm doing as well but it's a far bigger world than that so how about it? Do you build? Do you build to a reasonable standard? Then you're our guy or gal! Photos should be in JPG format if possible and large enough to present well. You don't get paid for them, nor do you receive any sort of prize, but you probably will get your fifteen minutes of fame if we publish one of your photos. That e-mail addy, suitably gomed-up to mess with The Spam Brigade, is replicainscaleatyahoodotcom .
Willy in the Balkans
Or one of his creations, anyway. This one's a reproduction of a JG27 BF-109E-7 in use during the latter stages of Operation Marita, Mr Hitler's ultimately flawed excursion into the Balkans, and is from the much maligned 1/32nd scale Eduard kit:
Several years ago our friends over at Eduard made an attempt at breaking into the lucrative 1/32nd scale model airplane market but their premier attempt fell flat. The list of things that needed correction on that initial kit was lengthy and somewhat damning, and the kit was a severe disappointment in consequence although it was, and remains, quite buildable. In this view you can see one of the significant issues; Eduard's treatment of the fabric control surfaces. I rather obviously didn't fix them, but you could if you wanted to. I also didn't bother to put the hand-holds in the windscreen corners and I really should have done that, but such is life! Friddell
This photo shows something I actually did correct, and you should too if you choose to build this model: As things come out of the box the slats on the wing leading edges are just too darned deep, chord-wise, and look pretty silly if you know how the real airplane appears in comparison. Fortunately the fix is an easy one, simply a matter of laying in a filler strip in the slat well (which is actually incorrect on almost every 109 kit ever made that allows for dropped slats, not just Eduard's, because there isn't any deep slat bay there at all) and then trimming back the slat itself. The mlg tires and wheels on this model are from an Aires accessory set meant for the 1/32nd scale Bf109F family, while the lawn-tractor tread has been sanded off the kit tailwheel and said edifice slightly reshaped. It looks ok, don't you think? Friddell
On the other hand, the Eduard kit just isn't very good when taken as a serious replica of the E-series Bf109s. There are some dimensional issues that are difficult to address in addition to other flawed details, and there's actually no point in building one if you have the far better Dragon offering available to you BUT that's with a huge caveat. The kit is extremely buildable, and it looks pretty good once it's done, but like we said, it isn't accurate out of the box and getting it up to a higher level of fidelity to the real thing is a chore at best. It can be done, of course; just go over and visit the fine folks at BritModeller and look for examples of what some of their contributors have done with the kit if you don't believe me. The point is that a decent-looking, if somewhat inaccurate, model can be produced from the kit. Would I enter this model in a contest? No; I would not. Would I put this model in my 1/32nd scale Luftwaffe collection as an adequate representation of a late Emil? Yes I would, and in point of fact I have. It's all something about the eye of the beholder, if I'm not mistaken...
A Nifty Warhawk From Bobby
An issue of Replica just wouldn't be the same if we didn't offer a photo or two of the war in the Pacific from Bobby Rocker's extensive archives. Let's begin with a really nice P-40N:
This is such a neat photo I had to run it, although I don't know all that much about it. It was taken on Biak in 1944, which should make it from either 78 or 80 Sqdn RAAF, but I'm not sure which. What I am sure of is that it's a well-worn P-40N (Warhawk Mk IV) and its overall appearance makes it a wonderful candidate for a scale model. Notice in particular the generally disreputable appearance of the lower wing between the landing gear fairings and the outer guns, and the heavy lead deposits on the exhaust stacks, the result of cruising the aircraft with an extremely lean throttle mixture. The devil's in the details, as they say, and there are a whole bunch of those details visible here! Rocker Collection
Just How Low Is Low?
Yep; that's a rhetorical question, and one that makes no sense without a context. Let's consider the American 5th Air Force in the Southwest Pacific as context then, because Low had a whole lot of meaning for them, at least where their attack aircraft and medium bombers were concerned.
How about this one for starters? It's somewhat of an enigma in our world since we don't know the serial number, nor do we know if there's different artwork on her port side, although we'd willing to bet there is. What we do know is that she was an A-20G with the 90th BS in 1944, and she was one impressive-looking airplane! Rocker Collection
Of course, there was a price to be paid in the SWPAC, even if you were in a smokin' hot outfit and flew an airplane like the B-25G. By 1943 the odds were mostly in your favor, but that didn't eliminate the danger altogether because, besides the Japanese, you still had to contend with capricious weather and extremely poor operational conditions each and every time you got in the airplane. We don't know for sure which one of those things did in this 499th BS Mitchell, but we suspect the place to be Owi Island and it would appear her crew got out ok. It wasn't always that way. Rocker Collection
Here's a really poor photograph of another B-25G, this time undergoing maintenance, for your consideration. Think about what you're looking at for a minute, and let's put it in the proper context. Let's pretend like you're doing major repair work on your car, and let's pretend you live in the Florida Everglades and your driveway is on the edge of a swamp. Let's add heat, humidity, bugs, snakes, and the occasional air raid to your repair efforts. That was every day for those guys; every stinkin' day, and they got it done every day. Every stinkin' day! Rocker Collection
Every once in a while Bobby will send along a photo that's carrying a caption. Such is the case with this shot of "Mexican Spitfire", a B-25D from the 500th BS of the 345th BW. She's obviously seen the elephant more than a few times, and will eventually see it one time too many. There were no easy days in the 5th AF, not ever. Rocker Collection
And Now For Another Havoc
Just one, but it's a SPECIAL one! Take a look and see if you don't agree!
Ok; everybody who's seen this photo of an 89th BS A-20 undergoing field maintenance (in the truest sense of that term, we might add) raise your hand. Got it! Now; everybody who's seen this image more than once, including right here on this very site, raise your hand again. Yep, it's true. We've all seen this airplane before, but most of the prints out there are pretty iffy at best and you can't really see the airplane, which means you can't tell she's carrying nose art and the name "Daisy Mae", along with a bunch of mission markers. This particular image is better than most and you actually can see those things this time around. Don't thank us; thank James Gallagher! James P. Gallagher
There are two sides to every story---here's the largely unknown other side of "Daisy Mae"! This photo defines even more details about 0146; note in particular the U.S. Army logo still under her wings. Many thanks to Gerry Kersey for sharing this image from Gus O'Donnell, 89th BS crew chief. O'Donnell Collection via Kersey
And finally, just when you thought things couldn't possibly get any better, here's a detail of the name, mission markers, and part of the nose art on "Daisy Mae"! Jack Taylor was her pilot and we'd like to raise a glass to him and all those like him. They were a special breed! John Taylor Collection via Gerry Kersey
Many thanks to Gerry Kersey, both for correcting some misinformation we had on this aircraft and for supplying the additional images. The help is greatly appreciated!
Links From Norm
Frequent contributor Norman Camou, a man who's becoming ever more prominent on these electronic pages, sends in all sorts of really neat aviation-related links, sometimes several a week. Here are a couple of them for your enjoyment:
First is a link to an A-4 story from the Naval Institute's on-line magazine that might be of interest to you:
And then THIS jewel, off of YouTube and an absolute must-see if you have any interest whatsoever in the Naval air war in the Pacific:
And finally, there's this:
A few minutes with any of these should prove well worth your time!
See You Later, Alligator!
Which is a relatively goofy way of saying we're done for this particular issue. We should be back once more before we're done with 2019, though so watch this space and be good to your neighbor!
Saturday, September 28, 2019
An Early Lightning, Part of a SpAD, An Unusual Zipper, A Contrast in SAMs, "Hun" Addendum, A Couple of Fords, and A Recce 'Doo
I'll Bet He Never Built It
He, in this particular case, being the guy who drafted the instructions for the WingNut Wings Halberstadt family of kits (all both of them!). I say this with a sense of considerable regret, because I'm a big, no; make that HUGE, fan of their kits. I've got several in the closet waiting for the inspiration to start them, as well as several (that Junkers J.1 you saw here a couple of issues back and several Albatri) completed and on display in my studio. They're big, as 1/32nd scale kits should be, they're well-detailed, as any decent kit from the 21st Century should be, they look absolutely great on display, and every one of them was a little fussy to build.
You heard me right; they were all fussy to build in some area or another, but not for the reasons that might immediately come to your mind. The pieces fit just fine, for the most part, and the industrial design of the kits leaves nothing to be desired. If you build any of them correctly they'll go together beautifully and without problem, but there's a major qualifier to that statement---you have to read the instructions, and not just for the step you're working on. No indeedy; you can't just follow the instructions and zip right along ala Tamiya or Airfix. You've got to read ahead to the next couple of steps too. Got to. Have to. Absolutely. Positively. You cannot, not ever, just take what you're looking at and accept it at face value because you will inevitably discover that the piece you need to attach in Step Whatever-It-Is could have easily been attached a step or two before but has, thanks to the way the instructions are written, become an exercise in patience and, perhaps, black magic, when incorporated when said instructions say to do it if you do indeed want that part to reside on or within the finished model. If you'd only known!
We're not, however, indulging in Sir Peter Bashing, nor are we particularly unhappy with the individual(s) who write the instructions for his otherwise superb kits. Our world is bigger than that, so let's jump right ahead to the part where we say what we actually mean.
The premise is this: We, which is to say me, are convinced that the instruction writer for some if not all of those outstanding WNW kits doesn't actually build the models he or she pens said instructions for, or at least doesn't assemble any of them the way the instructions that come with the kits say to do it.
Then again, we can remember the time another well-known kit manufacturer defined a new release of theirs as the most accurate of its kind ever released, an edifice right up there with the second coming of the significant religious figure of your choosing, and we can remember the folks who run a couple of prominent electronic modeling magazines announcing that it was indeed so, and even stating that those Kit's of the Second Coming had been measured, which they obviously hadn't been, and were spot-on accurate, which they equally obviously were not. For that matter, and while we're talking about on-line modeling magazines, how about those seemingly endless I'm Right and You're an Idiot disputes about accuracy that people all too frequently become embroiled in on their forums regarding kits that, as of the moment of that particular electronic dispute, only exist as CAD renderings?
OK; ramble, ramble, ramble; there he goes again! Is there a point to this drivel? Why yes; there is! Here's the part we're going to define as The Take-away for today's meandering:
Sometimes the people who write the instructions for our kits don't build actually them and may, in fact, have never even held the sprues of their constituent plastic components in their hands. (No; we're most assuredly not accusing WNW of that particular transgression so put that Orc, or whatever the heck it is, back in its box!). Sometimes the editors of electronic magazines get fooled by the previously impeccable reputation of a given kit manufacturer and don't actually perform their own due diligence on certain kits, and those Internet Flame War Guys couldn't possibly know the truth about a kit that doesn't exist yet. Further, those two seemingly unrelated things actually come from the same container; they're related and, somewhat sadly, becoming increasingly frequent in our polystyrene and resin world. And that, my friends, is the point. If you did it, then you did it. If you didn't do it and in point of fact couldn't do it or wouldn't do it but said or implied that you had, or did it wrong and claimed for all the world to see that you'd done it correctly, then you didn't do it and shame on you.
On a personal level, I've been involved with this hobby for a very long time and am generally able to figure out an after-the-fact way to deal with that part that should have been installed a step or two previously but wasn't, or measure the pieces of a kit before sticking them together (not that I always do it myself!), or throw the bovine defecation flag when someone who has yet to see the kit he or she is bashing engages in public and highly vocal criticism of it. I can do that, as can most of my modeling friends, but quite often the Brand New Modeler can't. The experience isn't there so that comment you just made, or that review, or that mis-step in the instruction sheet, jumps from being a mere point of humor or a minor annoyance into a really big thing that can actually cause serious problems for said Newby. It can also cause Said Newby to stop buying that particular brand of kit, or stop building a certain type of model, or maybe even leave the hobby altogether if the experience was bad enough.
In my own personal world figuring out what the guy who wrote the instructions actually meant is part of the fun of it, as is fixing the construction mistakes I inevitably make with or without that particular writer's unwitting assistance. It's somewhat less fun to buy a kit that someone gave a glowing review of, given the current asking price of most modern polystyrene kits of recent manufacture, only to find that it's not at all what I expected it to be or was told that it was. Caveat emptor is a very real thing and at the end of the day we're all the captain of our own ship, but it's nice when things are actually what they're made out to be.
Just sayin'...
Jumping On That P-38 Bandwagon
The modeling world is currently all agog at Tamiya's recent announcement of a 1/48th scale kit of the P-38F/G, and we have to admit that we're in there agogging with the best of them. It's a kit whose time has most assuredly come, and one that we can't wait to get our hands on. The early P-38s saw extensive combat useage in the Pacific, from the Solomons to the Aleutian Islands, and thanks to Bobby Rocker we've got a couple of examples of the former to share with you today.
Here we are, an early P-38G Lightning of the 339th FS/347th FG sitting on the ground, most likely on Gualdalcanal. Noteworthy are the early corcardes, post-red center but pre-bars, and the sit of the airplane, which implies that it's fueled and armed. The photo may have been taken immediately prior to engine start since there appears to be a pilot in the cockpit, but we have no way of knowing that, and we're willing to bet there's nose art on the port side of the fuselage as well although, yet once again, we don't know what it might look like. At any rate, it's an interesting photograph from a challenging period in AAF history. Rocker Collection
You say you want to do some authentic-appearing weathering on your brand new Tamiya P-38G once you get it built? Well, here's a great example of just what that weathering should look like. If you look at the nose you can see where the major panels were taped off for the long ocean voyage to New Caledonia prior to prep and delivery to a combat area, and the paint on the entire airframe is pretty severely and uniformly weathered. There's a nose number but no nose art or kill markings as yet, although there's a fair chance this aircraft is Rex Barber's Yamamoto mission mount from the 339th FS/347th FG. Those ground echelon guys are in pretty high cotton since there's a maintenance stand next to the airplane, but they've still got to contend with the heat, the insects, and the Japanese. There were never any easy days in the Solomons. Not ever. Rocker Collection
One further note regarding this pair of photographs: Both Bobby Rocker and Jack Fellows think those airplanes were most likely sitting on the strip at Fighter Two on Guadalcanal and I'm in no position to dispute that. Thanks as always to Bobby, and to Jack, for sharing the photos and for their insight.
I Could've, I Should've and I Didn't, But It's Still Useful
By which obtuse title I mean the photograph we're about to view. I made my first attempt at aviation photography in 1972, at a Randolph AFB open house attended by the staff of the original Replica in Scale. It was a wonderful opportunity I totally wasted by shooting details of airplanes without taking more than one or two photos of an entire example of same. Here---See what I mean?
By 1972 the Douglas Skyraider was an endangered species, almost totally gone from the Navy and Marine Corps and quickly disappearing from the Air Force inventory as well, but there were still a few around, one of which showed up at Randolph at a 1972 armed forces day celebration and public display. It's pretty obvious that someone put more than a little TLC into getting the airplane ready for its appearance but it was still a well-used A-1H and the one new thing about it, those shiny wheels, were totally incongruous in consequence. As a record of this particular 1st SOW airframe (52820) it's a fairly useless image but it does provide a fine look at paint chipping and the general wear and tear associated with continuous use in an operational (but not combat) environment. Phillip Friddell
A Peculiar Zipper
As our readers may or may not remember the AIM-9 Sidewinder family of air-to-air missiles was a child of the Navy, but the birthing of that particular child came with a catch: The NAV was going to use the weapon in conjunction with its jet fighters, both already in service and projected, but there was a catch. It seemed that the Navy didn't have anything in service in the late 1950s that offered the performance it would have once the F8U Crusader and F4H Phantom II became available as production/service aircraft, which left a substantial gap in testing the Sidewinder under operational supersonic conditions. The obvious solution to the problem was to borrow a couple of the Air Force's supersonic Century Series fighters for the job, which in turn led to the loan of 3 F-104As to the Navy from the 83rd FIS' inventory, a task made easier by the type's impending 1960 removal from the Air Defense Command inventory.
A sight you don't see every day; an F-104A assigned to the Navy and wearing contemporary Navy markings, right down to the Air Force serial number being presented on the aft fuselage in the style of a Navy BuNo. 56-0740 was built as an F-104A-5-LO and was in active use at China Lake in March of 1960, when this photo was taken. It's service with the NAV didn't last very long, however, as it crashed to destruction with the loss of its pilot on 22 September 1960. Navy via Replica in Scale
Here's the reason for the loan of those airplanes: An early AIM-9B sits on its wingtip launcher on 0740 prior to another test flight. It's interesting to note that the F-104 lasted far longer than anyone would ever have thought possible, albeit in foreign rather than US service, and highly improved variations of the Sidewinder are still in service as this is written. A simple airplane with a simple missile---there's something to be said for that combination, at least under the proper circumstances! Navy via Replica in Scale
Ground to Air Plastic
Norman Camou normally educates us all with those outstanding YouTube videos he discovers and submits for us every issue, but today the contribution is a little different:
Our hobby used to be full of all sorts of neat things, from plastic kits of birds and spaceships to the then-latest (read "largely imaginary") jet fighters and bombers. The IM-98 and 99 Bomarc missiles were an early, and largely flawed, American attempt at a surfact to air missile that could protect the Continental United States and Canada from enemy attacks routed over the north pole, while the Bachem Ba349 Natter was a Second World War German attempt at a similar weapon aimed at stopping the ever-growing fleets of Allied bombers then pulverizing Mr. Hitler's Third Reich. While differing in concept (the Natter was designed to be manned and was of decidedly short range), both were considered to be serious answers to the question of air defense in their respective times. Norman took a comparative approach with the two weapons, to the end illusrated here. We admire that sort of thing and don't think there's nearly enough of it in our hobby! Norman Camou
While we're talking about such things, let's consider a new section for this effort. The title says we're a modeling publication when we rarely are, so how about submitting pictures of your models for publication every once in a while? The parameters are simple: Well built and reasonably accurate, and having something to do with the sort of thing we write about on these electronic pages, which is to say no dinosaurs, fantasy figures, etc---those guys already have their own sites and we do airplanes here, along with the occasional missile, so let's keep it to that, ok? Ok! If you're interested, please send your submissions to replicainscaleatyahoodotcom, but substituting the approprate @ and . symbols where we used words. (Get thee hence; accursed spammers!) This is strictly an ego thing on your part, by the way, because we can't and don't pay for photographs or anything else around here; it's a BLOG, for cryin' out loud, but we'd really like to see what you've been building!
More On Those MoANG Huns
Reader Joe Vincent, a man who might be familiar to many of you, logged 171 combat missions in the F-100D while serving with the 309th TFS/31st TFW between October of 1969 and September of 1971. He's very nowledgeable regarding North American's F-100 Super Sabre and sent us an addendum to our Missouri ANG F-100 piece when we originally published it, way back in 2017. It's been on our list of things to run ever since then, but it just never happened and it is, by golly, high time we took care of that particular ommission!
I added some comments about the MO ANG F-100C with practice bombs in your March posting. I think I may have clicked on the wrong thing when adding the comments because after I submitted them my browser had me on the Feb posting. (Actually, Joe, it wasn't anything you did. We've never printed reader comments because of the spammers and rarely ever look at the "comments" feature on the blog in consequence---apologies for that one!) Anyways, here are a few images to support my comments concerning the Bk-37 practice bomb rack. These are on OV-10s, but they are the same racks. A typical flight to the gunnery range would be loaded with a Bk-37 rack with 4 BDU-33 practice “slick” bombs on one outboard pylon, and an LAU-59 (7-shot) 2.75 inch rocket pod with only 3 rockets loaded on the other outboard. Also,the F-100s pictured with TERs on the inboards are carrying only 2 weapons per TER. My friends who flew them at Phan Rang say that they regularly carried three M82 bombs on them, but BLU-27 napalm and Mk117 bombs were physically too large. When they are loaded with fewer than 3 M82s it was because they were maxed out at takeoff weight and couldn’t carry more. One friend will send me photos of a Hun with eight M82s so I can forward it to you. As for the F-100C, I don’t know, but I doubt they were modified with the intervalometer release system and TERs. We brought the Ds back to CONUS to the ANG units to replace a lot of those Cs.
An OV-10 utilizing the Bk-37 Practice Bomb Rack with LAU-59 on the port outboard station and 4 BDU-33 Practice Bombs on the starboard one. Joe Vincent
A better view of that starboard rack illustrating the Bk-37 Practice Bomb Rack to excellent advantage. Those practice bombs have approximately the same ballistic characteristics as a real low-drag bomb and are therefore highly useful as a training aid. Joe Vincent
A 615th TFS F-100D in-country and on its way to some mischief carrying four BLU-27 napalm cans on the inboard stations, two per side, and a Mk 82 low-drag bomb on each outboard station. Modelers note: This was a fairly standard load for the 615th while serving in SEA. Joe Vincent
Here's another "Hun" from the 615th illustrating the two Mk82-per-TER loading on the F-100D while in-country. Modelers in particular will want to re-read Joe's comments regarding the use of TERs on the F-100 while in SEA. This load, and the one illustrated immediately above, were standard loadouts used as appropriate to requirements on the ground. Joe Vincent
Many thanks to Joe Vincent for this invaluable information regarding the F-100 and its air-to-ground weaponry, as well as apologies for our tardiness!
Inspiration, If You Will
We've already shown you some of Norman Camou's work in this edition of the project but there's more at hand! Norman sent us a Douglas photograph of a lineup of late-50s/early-60s Navy jet fighters that was heavy on the F4D Skyray, and coincidentally also sent a photograph of a pair of 1/72nd scale Tamiya "Fords" in differing squadron markings. We don't know if that's coincidental or not, but it provides an excellent example of how to turn inspiration into hardware, as it were:
Here's that Douglas photo for your perusal. If this doesn't inspire you to go build a model, nothing ever will! Douglas Aircraft Corporation via Harry Gann via Norman Camou
And here are Norman's models. Pretty cool, huh? Norman Camou
Who Do That Voo Doo
OK, it's a corny lead-in, but it does pretty much tell you where this is going. Richard Franke was the quality manage at an aviation company I worked for many years ago, a man who had spent part of his career in the Air Force, with part of that time spent assigned to Laon AB in France during 1964. He photographed these 66th TRW RF-101Cs while he was there, and we're glad he did!
56-0210 was a looker, as were all of the 66th's birds. By 1964 a great many of the Air Force's tactical jets had already been painted in silver but the 66th's Voodoos were still largely in natural metal. The markings are plain but effective, and compliment the massive fighter perfectly. Richard Franke
Here's 56-0125 to prove the point regarding silver paint and USAFE's RF-101s. The Silver Air Force definitely knew how to decorate their airplanes, didn't they? One thing to note; neither of these 'Doos are carrying external gas bags. The entire F-101 family was delicate in that regard, in that the airplanes were barely supersonic with external tanks and overall handling was greatly diminished as well. Those bags have a way of ending up on most scale models of the Voodoo family regardless of the variant being replicated, but it's a really good idea to check available photographs before attaching them because they were rarely there in practice. Richard Franke
And that's what I know! Be good to your neighbor and we'll meet again soon!
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Farewell to Marty
Marty Isham is gone.
Marty was one of the early contributors to the original print version of Replica in Scale. We had never heard of him---back in those days few of the serious aviation photographers were well-known to the general public once you got past people like Bill Larkins or Peter Bowers and Jim and I were still the general public at that point in time---but we'd met Norm Taylor and he brokered the introduction to Marty for us, and to Dave Menard, and to several others as well. Marty and Jim forged a bond almost immediately, and from that day Marty's generosity and kindness could be felt in every issue of the magazine. He was a photographer and a collector, and a sounding board, and a seemingly unending source of information regarding the military aviation assets of the United States and, in particular, of the Air Defense Command, a subject about which he was both passionate and and authoritative. He was, as we quickly discovered, the go-to guy for the ADC. He was a friend.
He was also, as were (and are) so many others of his breed, kind, helpful, and willing to share. He was willing to teach. He was there when you needed him. On a personal note he was invariably helpful to me as I tried to make this reborn Replica in Scale a quality piece of work, and the days when the post office delivered packages from him full of slides, photographs, and documents to help with the latest project were joyous ones indeed.
Marty had been sick for several years and his ability to help others became increasingly diminished as he dealt with his health issues, but through it all he never lost his smile or his good disposition. Our conversations became less and less frequent as those months of illness turned into years, but he never changed his approach to life and you could literally feel him grinning that Isham grin over the phone as you talked. That was how he was. That was Marty. He's gone now, and it's doubtful we'll see his like again any time soon. Our time with him was special because he was special, and his passing is a sad day for us all.
Marty Isham, departed far too soon, on 10 June, 2019. Blue skies, Marty, til we meet again!
Monday, April 29, 2019
Back in the Way Back, Scooters, Presents From Fred, Zips On the Ramp, Schlact Bird, Bad old Days, Lost, Invaders, Names and Planes, Doug, and The Morgan Boys
Unexpected Consequences
Let's jump in our Scale Modeling Blog WayBack Machine for just a minute and go back a few years, to 11 February, 2010. That's when I published the very first electronic edition of the reborn Replica in Scale. That first issue was a modest effort at best, brief of duration and covering just one model airplane, the Hasegawa P-40E. That initial blog was followed by many others, although I've never managed to equal, or even come close to equaling, the output of that first year, a measure of time in which I managed to create a whopping 79 issues in the span of 365 days. By contrast I was able to put out an all-time low of exactly 4, count 'em; 4, issues in 2018. Yikes!
Still, I've been able to maintain a core readership that has stayed with the project from the beginning, a readership that has assumed the mantle of old and valued friends for whom I am more grateful than you might imagine given the frequency of publication around here. The numbers keep growing, too, and we've got quite a few folks who have signed on as followers of the blog---I'm pretty darned grateful for that as well!
Something else has happened over the course of those eleven years; we've experienced an event I always knew could happen but never gave much thought to until a few days ago. It's a milestone of some magnitude for me, particularly given the frequency, or distinct lack thereof, of publication lately. This project, little old Replica in Scale, has substantially exceeded one million (that's one million!) reader visits since its humble beginnings some 10 years ago. It's a number I find incredible given the size of the staff around here (just me!), not to mention my frequently infrequent schedule of publication. Wow!
We've gained a lot of friends during that time and, sadly, lost a few as well---Dave Menard and Maddog John Kerr come to mind in that latter regard---but we've been able to keep on keeping on even as the frequency of publication has dramatically diminished. The project has devolved from a periodical of many issues per year back to an occasionatical (a term Jim and I used to use to describe the original print version of RIS way back in The Day) of just a few, but it's still alive and kicking with no intention of stopping any time soon.
Anyway, a million visits for a project as modest and unassuming as this one is deserves a little commemoration, I think, so this issue is going to be somewhat special. Look on it as a Thank You to everyone for staying with us during thick and thin. With any luck the best is yet to come!
In The Beginning...
Way back in the Way Back, so to speak, back in 2010 when I began this project, I'd lost contact with almost everyone I'd worked with during the print days of Replica in Scale. I wasn't building much of anything and I'd largely ceased collecting primary resources, so it was slim pickings in terms of what I could publish in the way of photographs of real airplanes---at that point in time I didn't even have a real slide scanner and was using the scan feature on my wife's computer printer for that task! I still had my files, and all those slides I took over the years, but the available resources were well and truly on the thin side.
Let's keep that in mind, because it's only fair that we begin this very special (to me, anyway) issue with a couple of photographs that are typical of, and to a great extent commemorate, the photo assets available to me in the very beginning.
San Antonio's own 182nd FIS served in Korea during the unpleasantness there in the early 1950s, as the 182nd FBS/136th TFW. Assigned to Itazuke AB in Japan during 1951, the squadron quickly transferred to Taegu (K-2) in Korea due to range restrictions experienced while operating out of the Land of the Rising Sun. 50-1161, an F-84E-20-RE, was photographed on the ramp at Taegu after the move but prior to the squadron's conversion to the F-84G in 1952. As far as we know "San Antonio Rose"/"Gulf" experienced no air-to-air combat during her assignment there, but other F-84Es did, with one claiming a MiG-15 on 26 June 1951, and another claiming a probable on the same date. The "Rose" was a pretty airplane, and we'd like to ask if any of our readers have photographs of her that show the entire airplane. If you do, the highly boogered-up e-mail address (to stop the spam crowd) is replicainscaleatyahoodotcom, with the appropriate symbols and dots substituted for the extra letters. 149th TFG
The 182nd flew the F-84 twice during its history, first with plank-wing E and F models and later, as an interim measure, with the F-84F. All of their Thunderstreaks were operated in the then-current SEA camouflage scheme and featured minimal (read "boring" here) markings. As things transpired the 182nd was the second-to-last ANG unit to operate the type, which was obsolescent the day they received them. This aircraft, 51-1651, an F-84F-25-RE was photographed by the group on their ramp at Kelly while taxiing out for yet another training mission. Note that only two auxiliary fuel tanks are carried and the aircraft is flying sans pylons on the outboard stations. Like all 1950s jet the F-84 was a gas hog and the two bags seen here were an absolute necessity if the aircraft was to have any range at all. Four bags were better... 149th TFG
It could be said with complete honesty that the swept-winged F-84s were marginal, and somewhat star-crossed, aircraft from the first day of their service with the Air Force until the day of their retirement from the ANG but they were, for a period of time, an integral part of the Tactical Air Command and even, briefly, with the Strategic Air Command. The type was deployed to Europe during the Berlin Crisis of 1961 but was fortunately never required to expend ordnance while serving with the United States. That said, this air-to-air four-ship from the 182nd shows how pretty the aircraft could be, even though it's fortunate indeed that it was never forced into combat. 149th TFG
Small photo essays like that were our bread and butter in the very beginning because we honestly couldn't do anything else at the time but things were about to change, and for the better!
Old Friends
While it's true that we'd lost track of the majority of our aviation friends over several years of inactivity, it's also true that we're a small community that keeps track of its own. With that as a basic premise it shouldn't surprise anyone that it didn't take long for those aforementioned old friends to find us, even though we didn't know how to get in touch with them. Some of those friends are sadly gone now; Dave Menard and John "Maddog" Kerr have passed, while Marty Isham has pretty much retired from the festivities, but Jim Sullivan and Doug Barbier have been taking up the slack throughout it all, as have the Morgan Brothers, Rick and Mark, Mark Nankivil and Don Jay, not to mention the herculian efforts of stalwart supporter Bobby Rocker. The photos that follow are an assortment from those guys. Thanks to all of you for your unflinching support!
Scooters From Sullivan
Jim Sullivan, a contributor to the original Replica in Scale and Aerophile projects, was one of the very earliest to find this electronic version of RIS. His talents with a camera are beyond reproach and his collection of images is remarkable. He's a fan of All Things Navy, and that love extends to the venerable Douglas A-4 Skyhawk. Here are some photographs from his collection to prove the point:
One of the really neat things about the "Scooter" is its longevity in almost every one of its many variations. Originally conceived as nuclear-capable attack bombers, all of the multitude of service variants proved capable of performing a wide variety of duties. A fine case in point is 142865, an A-4B from VC-1 working out of Barbers Point, Hawaii, in February of 1969. She's relatively clean, as most utility squadron aircraft had a tendency to be, with just a slight bit of lubricant staining around her mid-section to define the busy life she led. That marking on her gas bag is of interest as, an aside, are the aircraft in the background on the right side of this photo. Let's play Name the Movie! Sullivan Collection
Here's another utility bird for you---148314 was an A-4C from VC-7 working out of NAS Miramar on 28 May, 1974, when Bill Curry took this photo. Of interest in this shot is the centerline bag which isn't an auxilliary fuel tank at all but rather a buddy store for air-to-air refuelling. In so many ways The Bantam Bomber could truly do it all! Bill Curry via Sullivan Collection
Let's keep that VC thing going with this fine example of the species. Another Charlie, 148609 was assigned to VC-2 and working out of NAS Jacksonville back in April of 1972. We suspect she was nominally assigned to VC-2's skipper, Captain Knutson, at the time---that's because of her gaudy markings and absolutely impeccable finish, although we could be wrong about that. (I don't think so, but it's always possible...) The flight gear hanging off her port-side 20mm implies that she's about to go flying, a beautiful airplane out and about on what is, to all appearances, an equally beautiful Florida day! Bill Sides via Sullivan Collection
The NATC facility at Pax River was a heavy user of the Heinemann Hot Rod, and worked hard. A-4E 148614 was assigned to weapons test there for a time and provides us with a shot of a well-worn but immaculately maintained "Scooter". All five underwing stations are in place and the airplane is ready for its next test assignment, but we'd be more than a little remiss if we didn't mention the tiedown ropes being used to secure this bird to the ramp. We're used to seeing chains used in that capacity so the ropes are a little out of the ordinary, but then there's their size---they could be used for securing a small warship to a wharf! Maybe that was common at Jacksonville, where this photo was taken in August of '72, or maybe there was a storm on the way. Whatever the reason, a modeler would probably have some explaining to do if they presented a model configured that way for a contest or public display! Bill Sides via Sullivan Collection
Another Pax River bird, 154175 is in the nearly pristine condition we've all been led to expect of aircraft assigned to that facilty. She's a humped A-4F and was probably staged for an airshow when this photo was taken, judging by the placard taped to her nose. Sharp-eyed readers will notice her refuelling probe, which has been modified for other purposes. This would be the part of the day where I'd ask Tommy Thomason to chime in with an explanation and speaking of which---Hey Tommy; what is that thing?! At any rate, the photo was taken at Pax River in August of 1973 and presents us with a fine study of the "Skyhawk's" classic lines. Jim Sullivan
Of course, this is how most of us think of the A-4; in this case a pair of A-4Fs from VMA-311 taxiing at Yokota AB in March of 1972, towards the tail-end of American involvement in the Vietnam War. Your editor more commonly thinks of this squadron armed to the teeth and operating out of Chu Lai a couple of years before, but the aircraft and markings are virtually unchanged from that slightly earlier period. 151988 is almost pristine, a condition that would have been remarkable had she been on the ground in-country, and we've always found those squadron markings particularly appealing---maybe that cartoon cat appeals to the kid in us all! Harry Tyrpak via Sullivan Collection
Shot on the same day at the same place, here's 159653 from VMA-211 taxiing out for launch. Her squadron markings are similar in presentation to those of 311's 151988 immediately above, except for that refuelling probe, which has been candy-striped in red over her Light Gull Grey factory finish. The devil's in the details! Harry Tyrpak via Sullivan Collection
Working on the theory (as well as a fair amount of necessity) that there might not be enough combat capable A-4s available due to the demands of the VietNam War, the Navy contracted for 100 or so A-4Cs to be remanufactured into more capable airframes, a modification that resulted in the A-4L. The type was used by both the Navy, in the Reserve force, and by the Marine Corps, and featured an avionics hump which provided the aircraft with slightly improved capability in spite of the retention of its J-65 engine and 3-hardpoint wing. The Lima wasn't used in combat by the United States but carried some pretty markings nontheless, as typified by 149539 of VA-204, sitting on the NAF Washington ramp back in September of 1973. The airplane is fairly well-used and no; we don't know what's going on with that blast panel in front of her port cannon! Joe Handelman via Sullivan Collection
Here's a flight of USMC Limas for your perusal, all from VMA-124 and taken at MCAS Memphis in October of 1973. These aircraft are obviously being worked hard but are well-maintained, and that red/white/blue trim is gorgeous. Fred Roos via Sullivan Collection
Let's end this essay with a Marine Foxtrot from a unit you just don't see everyday! 154185 was serving with VMA-223 when Lindell Reynolds shot her back in July of 1974 while she was sitting transient at Scott AFB. There's nothing exceptional about her except for that tasty paint job, but she provides us with a fine way to end this photo essay. Lindell Reynolds via Sullivan Collection
That's it for the "Scooter", at least for this time, but we've got a lot more waiting in the wings from Jim so stay tuned...
And Then Along Came Mark
Nankivil, that is! We received an e-mail from Mark early in the adventure; he said kind things about the project and provided us with a group of A-7 scans. Holy Cow---somebody I didn't know was sending photography and offering to send more. It was deja vu all over again, to steal a line from Yogi Berra. It was just like back in those fabled days of yore (that's really corny but I've always wanted an excuse to use it in print!) when we'd receive a package of photographs from someone we didn't know; a really special occasion and particularly gratifying since someone we hadn't previously spoken with had thought enough of the project to contact us and send photography. It impressed us (read "me" here; I'm bouncing back and forth between first and third person again) and it still impresses us!
Anyway, Mark jumped into the program early and has been a constant contributor ever since. One of the things he does is to assist the Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum with their photo assets, acquisitions which he sometimes shares with us as well. That's the case today; the photographs you're about to view were taken by Fred Roos and passed along to us. Note that we've abbreviated the museum's name in the watermarks on the images---yes; we're lazy. It's a flaw we/I can live with, so let's look at some pictures of airplanes!
Let's begin this essay by stating the obvious: We aren't looking at one particular type of aircraft today, but rather an assortment of different airplanes. First up is this pristine F-102A-75-CO, 56-1415 from Pennsylvania's 103 FIS/112th FIG. She could be the poster child for a clean airplane and that's complimented by her markings, which are a little bit out of the norm. The usual red alar is on the vertical stab of course, along with the ubiquitous ANG badge, but the nose markings, in particular the four Firebee drone kills, set her apart from the pack, and the candy-striped pitot tube provides the icing on the cake! 1415 was luckier than many of her sisters and wound up on public display with the PAANG, a proud reminder of days gone by. Fred Roos via Mark Nankivil/Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum
The ubiquitous F-4 Phantom II began her USAF career as the F-110A, a designation that was changed when Robert McNamara's defense department decided that all of the flying services needed to use the same designation system for their airplanes. (As an aside they didn't ask us about it; they just did it, and we've been confused ever since!) Those early F-4s were painted in the glossy light grey worn by the F-102s and 106s of the Air Defense Command, and the ANG units tasked with the interception mission post-Vietnam War were painted in that color as well. The Phantom, F-4C-19-MC, 63-7568, was serving with Indiana's 113th TFS when Fred photographed her in August of 1981. She's clean and obviously well-maintained, and, perhaps unfortunately, bereft of any sort of unique markings, but she typifies the Air National Guard of the 80s. She was ultimately expended as an air to ground target, a sad end for a proud bird. Fred Roos via Mark Nankivil/Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum
Here's another F-4C-19-MC, this time 63-7576 from Michigan's 171st FIS based at Selfridge and photographed there by Fred on 22 August, 1980. Her markings are typical of the aircraft operated by the 171st and she's obviously been immaculately maintained. 1986 found her at Lakenheath, being used as a battle damage repair trainer. She ended her days as a ground trainer in Germany, at Bitburg. Doug, did you have any time in this one? Fred Roos via Mark Nankivil/Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum
Here's a regular USAF Phantom for a change; an F-4D-30-MC from the 474th TFW flying out of Nellis AFB. She's in the SEA scheme so typically worn by the F-4 during its AF, ANG, and AFRES service and is very typically marked. 66-7577 ended her days flying with the ROK AF, but was in her prime when Fred photographed her at Buckley ANGB in July of 1980. Fred Roos via Mark Nankivil/Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum
Cessna's A-37 Dragonfly was a really neat airplane in concept, but was ill-suited to service in the post-Vietnam War era. Most of the survivors quickly found their way into the Guard and Reserves, with a handful of them going to foreign customers or, somewhat inevitably, being transferred to the civilian market. This photo illustrates one of the ANG birds, an OA-37B assigned to Illinois' 169th TASS in May of 1980. The Dragonfly was a capable little airplane, albeit one that couldn't easily survive in a high threat environment; they were retired fairly quickly. Fred Roos via Mark Nankivil/Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum.
The Guard also received airplanes that were survivable in a hi-threat scenario, with the LTV A-7 Corsair II being a fine representative of that sort of aircraft. This example, 70-0970, an A-7D-8-CV, is a fine, and truly special, example of the breed. She went to SEA in 1972, assigned to the 355th TFS/354th TFW, and was used by Major Colin Clarke to win the Air Force Cross during a remarkable 9-hour rescue support mission. She was then assigned to the Colorado ANG's 120th TFS/140th TFG, where she remained until 1992 when she was transferred to the National Museum of the United States Air Force. There's absolutely nothing about the airplane in this image that alludes to her remarkable history but she's been preserved for aerospace posterity, which we think is simply outstanding, particularly when we consider the fate of so many of her sisters! Fred Roos via Mark Nankivil/Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum
Then there's the Thunderbolt II, aka "The Warthog". Originally designed to deal with Warsaw Pact armor in a big war in western Europe, the type has achieved fame performing the CAS mission in the Middle East. There were never that many of them in the regular Air Force at any point in their career, but they found their niche, and true combat role, while serving with the ANG and AFRES. 78-0602, an A-10A, was serving with the regulars, in the 356th TFS/354th TFW, when her image was captured at an airshow at Scott AFB on 13 June, 1981, resplendent in her 80s "Lizard" scheme. She was lost at Nellis on 26 August, 1983, a reminder that there's nothing safe about military aviation, not even in peacetime. Fred Roos via Mark Nankivil/Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum
Here's an interesting one for our perusal: a Northrop CF-5D of 434 Sqdn, Canadian Armed Forces. The devil's in the details as far as this aircraft is concerned, and those details would make for a fascinating scale model. Take, for instance, her unpainted natural metal finish (although the gas bag hanging off her port wing is camouflaged), or her candy-striped pitot tube, or maybe her conspicuity red tip tanks replete with colored navigation light lenses in their fronts. The blue band and squadron emblem on her tail put her over the top, a clean machine and a fine repesentative of Northrop's most successful design family. Fred photographed her in July of 1982, when she was relatively young and in her prime. Beauty! Fred Roos via Mark Nankivil/Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum
You don't have to be very smart to know we have a fondness for the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk around here, and Fred photographed a gorgeous example of that family back on 27 March, 1980. 152862 was a TA-4F assigned to VX-5 when Fred captured her image, a slightly soiled but heavily used example of the type. We sure like that classic Light Gull Grey over Insignia White paint job! Fred Roos via Mark Nankivil/Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum
And now, for something unexpected! Let's close this particular essay with a profile shot of 70-15884, a Beech/Ratheon RU-21H. She was converted to the type's Guardrail V configuration early in her career but that's honestly all we know about her or her mission at the time she was photographed. That's right; we know nothing. Zip. Nada. We don't even know her unit, nor did Fred, only that he photographed her on 22 October, 1980. A mystery ship, as it were! If you know more... Fred Roos via Mark Nankivil/Greater St Louis Air and Space Museum
That closes out this installment from Mark, but there's more to come a little further down the road!
Corroboration of A Photo We've All Seen Before
First, here's the photo:
Now for the corroboration. The photo has probably been seen by pretty much everyone reading this issue, and we even ran it ourselves once before. The thing is, the location of that ramp of 435th TFS/8th TFW F-104Cs is often given as Tan Son Nhut, or frequently just Republic of Vietnam, but the truth is actually None of the Above. Let's hear the explanation from Don Jay:
If you remember, the USAF produced a series of lithographs/posters in the late 60s-70s. This was one of the first ones and initially was labeled USAF forces in Vietnam, then F-104s at Tan Son Nhut, and finally F-104s in SEA. So I am not sure what folks think when they see it. It is definitely Udorn RTAFB and shows the newly arrived 435 TFS. The clincher in IDing the base is the RF-101 flightline on the right. Only two places had the RF-101C, Udorn and Tan Son Nhut, and the ones at Saigon were not in the open but using some old French concrete revetments at this time. Anyway, it does show off the ‘zipper’ in good detail. Cheers, dj
Many thanks to Don. He's got a few more surprises for us today but before we get to them...
A Token Model
Since this project is a technically a scale modeling publication by title, if rarely in actual fact (much like the later editions of our old print effort, come to think of it), it occurs to me that we ought to have a couple of photographs of aeronautical polystyrene replicas for your amusement and edification so, without further ado:
We hadn't been publishing the print version of RIS for very long when we were introduced to Bob Migliardi, who was running an absolutely outstanding publication, RT, for IPMS Canada. Bob has since moved on to producing his own decals, often of unique subjects and covering a wide span in the history of aviation. His efforts can be found under the Illiad Design label, and here's an example of the sort of thing he's doing nowadays. The model seen above is Tamiya's relatively ancient 1/48th scale Bf109E-4/-7, suitably modified with a larger tailwheel and fatter propeller blades and done up as an E-4B from II/LG2 serving in Russia during 1941. The decals are from Illiad, which is the reason I'm showing you this particular model, and they're quite a treat. Register is perfect, they represent a subject that I don't think (subject to correction) has been done before in this scale---I'm talking about the specific airframe and not the schlacht genre, by the way---and they work perfectly. They're a superior product and well worth your consideration, etc, etc. And yes; my work surface really is that nasty looking. I use it, and I've been using it for a very long time. Beware of photographs of models sitting on nice clean work mats!
Here's another view of that "Emil" in a cleaner environment that's just the least bit more viewer-friendly. There's not much to say about the venerable Tamiya Bf109E family that hasn't been said before; they do offer a tailwheel that's too small and prop blades that are too skinny, and you really need to get the boxing that says "Made in Philippines" on the side if you want to have their corrected nose, but it's as close to a shake and bake model airplane as you're likely to ever find and makes a great therapy project if you just need a project that can be completed for fun, with minimal angst.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming:
We Get By With Help From Our Friends
Yes we do, and in that vein: Bobby Rocker discovered us pretty early on in the project and began contributing photography to us, something that continues until this very day, and I've come to feel that we quite literally wouldn't be the same publication without his help. Let's take a look at a random assortment of images he's supplied of late. There's a theme here---let's see if you can figure it out!
Before the beginning: A 20th PS Republic P-35A taxis out at Iba Field in the Philippines shortly prior to the outbreak of hostilities. This idyllic scene of American fighters would be destroyed in just a few short months, but when this photo was taken the Philippines was still a good duty station for a single officer. Rocker Collection
A great deal of the war was tedium, with seemingly endless hours spent in the more prosaic aspects of military life such as aircraft maintenance. In this shot "Eager Beaver", a B-24D of the 90th BG's 320th BS is undergoing "maintenance" in a heavily staged photograph at 5 Mile, outside of Port Moresby. It's highly doubtful you'd find that assortment of ground echelon performing that particular range of operations on the same airplane all at the same time, but it looked good for the folks back home. The boys were over there, but they were safe and sound while working hard to defeat the enemy. Of course, the photograph couldn't tell mom and dad how hot it was, or how bad the mosquitos were or, in the early days, how bad it was when the Japanese came over to bomb the Port Moresby complex. You don't tell your folks that sort of thing because you don't want them to be concerned about you. "Dear Mom and Dad, Everything is fine here so don't worry about me..." Rocker Collection
"Sometimes it gets a little rough out here, but we spend most of our time working on the airplanes and wishing we were home..." Yep; just like these armorers squatting beneath the wings of a 70th FS P-39Q at Torokina Strip on Bougainville. Those guys are fit and healthy, not to mention happy. They're probably really glad to be there, but maybe not. Take a closer look at "Snafu", paying particular attention to how beat up she is. The pinup on the door and those grins on the armorers tell one story, but the wear and tear on the airplane tells another one entirely. Nobody was spending any time sitting in circles singing about how happy they were in the Pacific. Nobody. Not ever. Rocker Collection
We periodically mention that it wasn't always the Japanese that provided the excitement out there. This 70th FS P-39Q has gone off-roading, possibly thanks to an F4U that's just out of the photograph. It's doubtful the pilot was hurt in this mishap, although the gun sight in the P-39 was perfectly situated to provide you with stitches if your head snapped forward and you weren't properly strapped in. It really didn't matter how it happened, but rather that it did. There was never an easy day out there. Rocker Collection
You could catch a break every once in a while, of course. Those guys under "Boomerang", a B-25C of the 13th BS/3rd BG attest to that, but that airplane was formerly operated by the Netherlands East Indies air component. Her life prior to the date of this photograph was reasonably exciting but didn't portend the things that would come---she went missing in August of 1942. You have to wonder if any of those guys went down with her. "Everything is fine here, so don't worry about me.". Right... Rocker Collection
Some days weren't too bad, of course, and you might even have a few minutes to stand in front of your airplane to have your picture taken for the folks back home, like Don Lee of the 7th FS/49th FG is doing in front of "Pistoff". We'd be remiss if we didn't point out to the modellers amoung you to check out the white outline to the yellow letters in that aircraft name, a fine point that every manufacturer of custom decals has missed up to this point, but that's honestly not why we're running this shot. We've said it before but we'll say it again; take a look at Lt Lee's face. He's young, and he's so very old. You can bet those three kill markings under the windscreen (also ignored by most decal sheets featuring this airplane) didn't come easily. Rocker Collection
Here's a P-40N, possibly from the 49th but we're not certain of that, parked on a PSP ramp while some of the ground guys, or maybe a pilot and crew chief, pose for the folks. This photo was taken after the white ID markings were added to fighters operating in theater, but check out the wear on those leading edges and the abrasion on the propeller blades. The Pacific ate airplanes too. Rocker Collection
Things didn't improve all that much as the war progressed, although there was marginally less chance of dying in combat the closer things got to the end. You still had to work on the airplanes, though, and you had to fly them. This 318th FG P-47D sitting on the ground at Isley Field on Saipan testifies to how crummy operating conditions were and, for most part remained, until the last day of the war. "Sun Shine" is a pretty airplane, but she's a little the worse for wear. Remember that part about the Pacific eating airplanes? Rocker Collection
Neither the Navy nor the Marines were exempt from those horrible conditions we've been talking about. George Bunker brought this VMO-251 SBD in hard in 1943. The airplane isn't too badly damaged, at least from what we can see in this photograph, but a crash is a crash. At least he walked away. Rocker Collection
You were never safe out there, even when the enemy was nowhere around. Those guys from the flight deck division are pretty nonchalant in this photograph, which was taken while the USS Anzio was rolling in heavy seas on 17 December, 1944, during Typoon Cobra near the Philippines. You could even write home and tell the folks about that one... Rocker Collection
After all, it wasn't that bad! Well, maybe it really was that bad; after all, something knocked the snot out of this Anzio-based TBM. I'm sorry---what did you say? Ok; you win, it wasn't really that rough after all. It's just a storm, not a battle. All right, then; how about changing places with one of those guys? No? We didn't think so. Rocker Collection
It's only a little storm, right? Well, don't tell that to the guys on the Kawjalein unless you want to get yourself laughed off the boat! Rocker Collection
Or maybe you can just go down to the hangar deck and help clean up the mess. Maybe these FM-2s will be salvaged, but we're willing to bet that more than a few go over the side. It wasn't always the Japanese that got you. Rocker Collection
Ken Walsh was a Marine fighter pilot with 21 confirmed air-to-air victories, and a Medal of Honor winner to boot. He had a successful career in the Corps, and died of a heart attack at the age of 81. He survived combat, and he survived the Pacific. This photograph is one of those taken out there, in theater, for the express purpose of showing the folks back home what their heroes looked like. We never met, and didn't know, Ken Walsh, but his face tells a story. He was there, as were so many others, because it was his duty. He, and most of the others, came home, but a great many didn't. They're still out there somewhere, a silent testimony to devotion, duty, and courage in the face of extreme peril. They were, and the increasingly few survivors still are, a special breed. Let's raise a glass... Rocker Collection
And while we're at it, let's raise a glass to Bobby Rocker, and Steve Birdsall, Jack Fellows, Justin Taynan, Robert Livingstone, and all the others who strive to tell the story of those terrible days so long ago. Lest we forget...
Gone But Not Forgotten
That would be Pacific Coast Models, a model company that specialized in polystyrene replicas of aircraft of the Reggia Aeronautica. Their range of kits, produced for them by such cottage industry stalwarts as Sword, were often a little tough to build but resulted in highly unique and the completed models, once finished, could be spectacular. Their later days saw them broadening their scope away from the Italian air force of World War 2 and producing such divergent kits as the Fw190A-1/2/3/4, Ta152H, Spitfire Mk IX, Spitfire Mk XIV, and Hawker Tempest. Excellent efforts all, those kits were simply too little and too late to save PCM; Tamiya's Merlin Spitfire kits and Special Hobby's Tempest in particular helped to put the nails in the lid, but Pacific Coast's kits are still out there and at reasonable prices, too. You can do some good things with them, to which end we'd like to offer up their Spitfire Mk XIV for your consideration:
See what we mean? This is PCM's Mk XIV "Spit" and it's 100% what came in the box, even to include the decals---no aftermarket was harmed in the production of this model! It's one of those mixed-media affairs, being mostly polystyrene but with healthy dollops of resin and photoetch included for the finer details. That detailing is adequate too, at least from my point of view, and people a lot smarter than I am say the dimensions are pretty accurate as well, which puts it in the WIN column in my world.
Here's another view to show how much it really and truly does look like a Griffon-engined Spitfire. All the markings are, as previously mentioned, from the kit decals, although I have to admit I cheated a bit and painted on those black lines on the wings---I've never gotten along particularly well with long, skinny decals and had no reason to expect that to have changed when I built this model!
This is a kit I truly enjoyed building, and I'm looking forward to building their Tempest as well. Yes; I know the Special Hobby kit is supposed to be better but I don't have a SH Tempest. I do have a PCM Tempest. I see logic in those statements although, as always, your own personal mileage may vary.
One final point has to be mentioned before we leave this particular topic: Although I didn't find anything especially difficult to deal with while building this model, basic, and even intermediate, modeling skills are required. Everything fits well for a limited run kit, and the model is relatively easy to get together, but the new guy or gal might well end up binning it (that's a British-ism for throwing it away) before they get it completed. It won't fight hard, but it most assuredly will fight back during the course of construction. I built this one a couple of years ago and specifically remember having to argue a bit with the wing-root fillets and the dihedral, and special care had to be taken with the interior installation as well. None of it was all that tough but you probably need to have both Modeling 101 and 102 under your belt before you take a crack at this one.
We miss PCM, and we miss the fine folks who birthed and ran it for so many years. The company's demise was truly a loss for us all but those kits are still out there, often ignored, and just waiting for the right modeler to come along. Tally Ho!!!
The Third at Yokota
The 3rd BG, that is. Here, thanks to Gerry Kersey over at 3rd Attack (see the link on the right side of this page) are a couple of photos of one of their B-26Bs while stationed at Yokota immediately post-War:
She's an old stager and a little bit shopworn, but she's still ready to answer the call if needed! Check out her early nose configuration, with the six .50 caliber Brownings displace laterally instead of vertically. This is the way The Old Air Force looked, ya'll! via Gerry Kersey/3rd Attack Group.Org
Here's a slightly different view of the same airplane at the same event. We've been thanking people right along for helping us with this project, and we'd like to mention Gerry for his unfailing support. Taking it a step further, we'd also like to give a very special thank you to Gerry for his outstanding job over at the 3rd Attack site. The resource he's built up there is little short of amazing, and we're truly grateful that he's chosen to devote himself to the preservation of that very special group of aviators. via Gerry Kersey/3rd Attack Group.Org
A Random Modeling Tip
Trumpeter, that modeling company we all love to hate, actually does some pretty neat stuff when you get right down to it. They kit a whole bunch of airplanes, among other things, that no other manufacturer would touch with with a ten-foot pole, and they've got a small line of modeling-related stuff as well in their Master Tools line, chief among which is their "Item No: 09937 Plastic Circle Board". It's exactly what its name implies, being a collection of rings and discs, all out of polystyrene. I've had two different hobby shop owners tell me that particular item invariably languishes on their shelves, rarely purchased by anybody. I think that's just wrong, and here's why:
Ever try to get a resin engine to fit properly inside a polystyrene cowling and have to argue with either cyanoacrylate adhesive or epoxy to get the darned thing to stay where you want it to? Here's one solution! The cowling is from Academy's P-47N, and the engine is an aftermarket resin affair that looks a lot better than the powerplant supplied in that otherwise very nice kit. That's one of Trumpeter's rings superglued to the back-side of the resin engine. Once it's properly aligned (from the front, not from back here!) that ring will be locked into place with plastic cement in a plastic to plastic weld, thus guaranteeing the powerplant won't come loose later on. We don't know about you but we're impressed with the whole thing. Way to go, Trumpeter!
You Gotta Have a Sense of Humor
Yes you do. It's helpful in everyday life and is absolutely essential during times of extreme stress, say, maybe, like in a war. The guys at the sharp end of things during the Second World War and the Korean Conflict had established and maintained a wonderful way of expressing humor and, to the extent possible, relieving stress, by putting names and artwork on their aircraft. The practice was both prolific and in some instances profound (not to mention occasionally profane), but the officers at the top end of things, at least in the Air Force, often frowned on such activities. Their notion was that such imagery was unprofessional and therefore not to be permitted to exist on their airplanes. They actually managed to keep a lid on things for a while during the 1960s, which is the reason you'll see so relatively little nose art on SEA-based birds during the 1966-68 time period, but the staff weenies in DC weren't the guys getting shot at and the aircrew that were at the sharp end of things quickly came to the conclusion that they'd do it if they wanted to or, more likely, could get away with it. While some of the resulting art was most assuredly on the raucous side, and occasionally obscene (think that famous pair of F-105Ds, "Cherry Girl" and "Pussy Galore" here), most of it was innocuous, while a great deal of it was humorous and some even thought provoking.
Don Jay spent a substantial portion of his youth in theater while serving with the Air Force. He's also a photographer and a collector of photography, and today he's offered us a few images of Vietnam-era aircraft art for your perusal. The artwork is special, and reflects a way of dealing with the stress and pain of a wartime aviation environment.
Most people thing of Phantoms and "Thuds" when they think of the air war in SEA, but a lot of other types were active there as well. "Little Ruff" was a Cessna O-1E performing the highly dangerous role of forward air control. The Bird Dog is rarely the first airframe to come to mind when we think of nose art, but this Charles Schultz-inspired image suits the type perfectly! Jay Collection
"TWA/Teeny-Weeny Airlines" is another O-1E, this time sitting on the ramp at DaNang. The name is simple yet appropriate. Jay Collection
Don Jay shot "Honey Bucket", 67-0301, an F-4E-35-MC, during his stay in SEA. She gained a measure of fame on October 15, 1972, when she killed a MiG-21 on a mission up north. Subsequently transferred to the Turkish Air Force, she crashed into the Aegean Sea near the island of Lesbos on 28 January, 1995, with the loss of her pilot. This is what her nose art looked like when she was in her prime. Don Jay
"Hillbilly Slick" was an RF-4C-26-MC, s/n 65-0870. She was operational at Udorn fairly late in the festivities and her nose art was spectacular to say the least! Jay Collection
65-0849 was an RF-4C-25-MC and features nose art of the double-entendre variety. There's nothing subtle here! Don Jay
Sometimes the artwork was subdued, and sometimes profound. F-105D-25-RE 62-4236 was assigned to the 34th TFS at Korat in 1968 and carried the name "Isaiah 6:8" on her nose gear doors. For those of you not familar with the meaning, the reference is biblical and expresses the following: "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying "Who Shall I send? Who shall go for us?" And I said "Here I am. Send me!" We don't know the fate of this particular airframe or its pilot but it's a fair bet she was expended over the North at some point. Sometimes it takes more than enthusiasm and nose art... Jay Collection
A handful of "Thuds" are well know to most enthusiasts, and "The Jefferson Airplane" is one of those. Built as an F-105F-1-RE (63-8302), she was subsequently converted to F-105G standard and lost over North Vietnam on 29 September, 1972. Her pilot survived both the shoot-down and a stay in the Hanoi Hilton but her Bear was apparently killed on capture. It was a brutal war in every way. Jay Collection
63-8306 was another F-105F-1-RE that was converted to an F-105G. She was a SAM killer of some reknown and survived the conflict, a fate eluded by far too many Thunderchiefs and their crews. Don Jay
"Flash" was an old airplane by F-105 standards, a D-model built in 1959. Serialed as 59-1743, she was an F-105D-5-RE and was serving with the 333rd TFS at Takhli and getting ready to go up North when Don photographed her in October of 1970. She's a survivor and is preserved at Hill AFB in Utah. Don Jay
Here's 58-1152, another early F-105D-5-RE. Don photographed her during her SEA service while at Korat in 1968; she was serving with the 34th TFS at the time. She survived her missions over the North but was lost in 1971 due to an in-flight fire while serving with the Kansas ANG's 127th TFS. Her pilot survived the ejection but the airplane was lost. 1152 was one of the relative few that went down due to an operational accident rather than enemy fire. Don Jay
We have to admit we're partial to this airplane! Silver "Thuds" have always had an attraction for us and this one's special. 61-0184 was serving with the 44th TFS out of Korat when this photograph was taken in 1965, but it's the name that gets us going: "Vietnam ANG". Built as an F-105D-25-RE, she was one far too many Thunderchiefs to be lost in combat; she was shot down over the North shortly after this photo was taken, on 10 August, 1965. Her pilot got out, a circumstance that eluded far too many "Thud" drivers. One final note: Check out the color of the M117s hanging off her centerline MER. They appear to be black, and they should be the standard OD of all US bombs. We're guessing they really are OD, just as they should be, and it's just relection off a shiny surface---maybe the weapons were polished for the occasion---or maybe they really were black (which we doubt severely!). We'll probably never know... Jay Collection
Many thanks to Don Jay for providing us with all of these images. They're a wonderful time machine into a tragic part of American history.
Life in the Frozen North
For those of you who might not know, we've been blessed from the very beginning of this project by the presence of a number of career aviators. Their insight and, often, their photography, has helped us to make this blog what it is. Doug Barbier is another plankholder; we knew him back in the days of the print Replica in Scale and also during the Aerophile project. He's another one of those guys with both a colorful Air Force career and a way with a single-lens reflex camera. Here are a couple of his photos for your enjoyment, taken when he was flying with the 57th FIS out of Keflavik during their F-4 days. The first set of photos are best explained by Doug, who was in Lockheed's immortal T-33A during the course of the adventure:
Bear Bomber
In the 1960's and 70's, the 57th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (FIS) at Keflavik airbase in Iceland maintained what was nearly a wartime status. Their mission was to intercept and identify any unknown aerial traffic that penetrated the Icelandic Air Defense Zone (ADIZ). And the Soviets kept them busy. I was stationed there as a squadron T-33 pilot during 1979 on a one year long remote tour. With only three pilots in the squadron, plus another half dozen "attached" guys who were serving tours in the Command Post, we had three "in commission" T-birds and life was good. Since the maintenance guys were much happier on the flight line turning wrenches on the jets than sitting in their quarters going crazy, we usually scheduled the T-birds 3 turn 3, turn 3 a day. This meant that each squadron T-bird pilot had his own jet and flew it three times a day Monday through Friday. The F-4 folks had all sorts of additional duties, including a minimum of two crews on alert 24/7/365. And they had about three dozen crews and a total of 13 F-4E Phantoms, of which 5 might be on the local training schedule - maybe. The remainder were either on alert, in maintenance or in depot in Spain, so flight time was hard to come by for them.
The T-33's were primarily stationed at Kef to provide target support for training new WSO's coming in to the squadron- most of whom had been dropping bombs and had not used the radar for air-to-air work since checking out in the jet and needed all the help that they could get. We also flew pre-planned navigation routes to calibrate the air defense radars on the island and acted as targets in the monthly "Fan Angel" air defense exercises. Target sorties usually had us loaded out with one ALE-2 chaff tank under one wing pylon and an ALQ-71 or -72 ECM jamming pod under the other. With this configuration, the T-bird was unable to make it to any other airfield than Kef so the wise pilots practiced hand flying ILS instrument approaches to touchdown in the nice weather, so that they could do it for real when the fog and low visibility rolled in. Your choices in that case were limited to die hot (in the wreckage), die cold (in the water), or land. When the weather was that bad, nobody was going to save you because they were never going to find you in time.
The Soviet armed forces carried out several very large scale exercises each year and when that happened, all local F-4 training was cancelled, any jets in local maintenance were hurried to completion and all F-4's were "cocked", crewed and put on alert. This left the T-bird guys with nothing to do but go sight seeing. But many times, there were over 150 "unknown" targets airborne near Iceland and only 8 to 10 operational F-4's. While the TDY E-3 "AWACs" could call for fuel from tankers based in the UK, there were no tankers available for the F-4's, so they had to constantly cycle back to Kef for fuel, leaving huge gaps in coverage. ADC frequently used single-ship scrambles, but even then, a 15:1 ratio was not in the F-4's favor.
In 1978, someone had the idea of putting a T-33 on alert, relieving a little stress on the F-4's and hoping to intercept a Bear with a T-33, something which had never been done. A T-bird had the external stores downloaded and was placed out on the alert ramp, cocked and waiting. They waited for a long time since the T-bird did not have the speed to catch a target on the east side of the Island, the Soviets had to cooperate and bring an "unknown" down the gap between Greenland and Iceland. This was the normal route for the TU-95 "Bear" bombers that were deploying to and from Cuba. Finally the big day occurred, the Klaxon went off and the T-bird was scrambled. Unfortunately, in their haste to get airborne the crew came around the corner from the high-speed alert taxiway onto the runway too rapidly and rolled one main tire off of the rim. While the aircraft was not seriously damaged, that ended that bright idea and the T-birds were relegated back to their normal role.
During July 1979, the Soviets were running another of their exercises and Capt. Tom Callahan and I were airborne in the Lockheed racer. I always carried a camera ensconced in my helmet bag, "just in case" something interesting would present itself. I was in the back seat and had just finished a heavyweight simulated flameout approach and was starting the go-around when the tower told us to contact the GCI (Ground Controlled Intercept) immediately as they had a pairing for us. That was unheard of, so while I was getting the power in and the gear up, Tom contacted the GCI and the first words we heard were: "Sloe Gin 91, you are paired, two targets 290 degrees range 135 miles". I had the jet cranked around to the heading that they gave us before we reached the end of the runway and gave control to Tom while I started unearthing my camera.
Unfortunately, the GCI folks were used to the much faster F-4's and while we left the throttle buried in the forward end of the quadrant (ignoring the 30 minute limit on full power operations - we were not going to let this one get by us), the initial vector left us "cold" and they had to keep slowly turning us to the left to try to get some cutoff. Thankfully the two Bears were at 23,000 feet as our T-bird was unpressurized and we could only legally go to 25,000' before running into the danger of possibly coming down with the bends or some other type of "evolved gas" problems. By the time the range was down to 20 miles, we had a "tally-ho" on a flight of two Bear bombers but we could see that the geometry was still not in our favor - they were going to cross our nose and put us into a tail chase which we would lose. It was absolutely "VERBOTEN" to talk directly to the Bears, even though we knew that they were undoubtedly listening in to our conversations with the GCI folks, so I pressed the microphone button and made a general statement to the effect of "gee, it sure would be nice if they could slow down about 15 knots so we can keep up with them". Sure enough, the trailing Bear pulled back his power and we managed to complete the intercept, although the leader was now a couple of miles past us. The swept wing planform of the Bears allowed a high-subsonic cruise and the straight wing of the T-bird gave us a limiting Mach of 0.8. They were faster... They were also very loud. When you got close, you could not only hear, but feel the vibrations from those thirty-two contra-rotating prop blades. We called the ID on two Bear Foxtrots - the anti-submarine version - and flew alongside for several minutes while I took some photos. The whole time, the second Bear was falling further and further behind his leader, but then again, he had never seen a T-33 and we had never seen a Bear, so it was all good. We finally got an F-4 on station after what seemed like an eternity - we were still burning neutrons at full power trying to keep up - passed the escort off to him, pulled the power back to save the engine and headed for home. After writing up the overtime on the max power limit so that the maintenance guys would check the turbine blades and exhaust for cracks, we went back to the squadron with big grins on our faces. Those were immediately extinguished when we found the Air Forces Iceland Commander screaming in the face of our squadron commander about "creating an international incident" and having a "non-combat coded jet intercepting a Soviet war plane". It did not matter that the USN Rear Admiral (his boss) had personally approved the pairing and was laughing his head off about it.
Anyhow, the whole event was hushed up and nothing else was ever said or heard about it, except for the fact that we became "Discrete 1" and "Discrete 2" on the squadron "hack" board that listed the first dates of the intercepts. The person who was the most disappointed about the whole affair was one of the F-4 pilots who had been up at Kef for nearly 5 months and had not yet intercepted his first Bear. He had been scrambled and sent east about 3 minutes before we got paired to the west. We got a Bear. He got a missed intercept and had to try to live down the fact that the T-bird guys got a Bear before he did. Doug Barbier, February 2019
Doug Barbier
Maybe we can catch him if we pedal just a little faster... Tom Callaghan and Doug Barbier closing in on their "Bear" in the mighty "Lockheed Racer". They caught that Tu-95 at the end of it all, but they did it with a little help from friends in an unexpected place! Doug Barbier
Finally! The Tu-95 is an absolutely amazing airplane, and is far faster than its size and all those propeller blades might suggest it could be. Most of the air-to-air shots you see of them were taken by people in Fast Movers, which the "T-Bird" really isn't. Still, if everything's in your favor, you can make it all happen. This photo is the proof of that. Doug Barbier
Here's a shot of the adventure as taken by the Phantom that joined up with Doug's T-33 shortly after the intercept, and the "T-Bird" has dropped its speed brakes to break away and return to Kef while there's still fuel. The photo isn't much of a much if you aren't aware of the relative capabilities of the airplanes in the photo but the Tu-95 will step right out when the throttles are pushed forward, making this intercept a rare and somewhat incredible event. It's an amazing shot if you know what's going on. An Anonymous F-4 GIB via Doug Barbier
Next up is another shot Doug didn't take, this time of his "T-Bird" performing a bubble check near Keflavik:
Bubble check photo taken by one of the GCI controllers at Hofn - on the southeast corner of Iceland. Me in the front seat, my crew chief on an incentive ride in the back. The choice was to go between the bubble and the vertical rock wall or to come by the lighthouse and pier. In other words - rocks or birds, your choice of hazards. I went for the birds. They had a klaxon that the on-duty controller would hit when they had an inbound for a flyby. Those poor guys were not allowed outside the fence the entire year that they were stationed there, the only time that they were allowed out was to get on the little prop plane to get flown to Kef to go home, so it was a big deal/morale raiser to have someone come by. In consequence, they would all grab a camera and rush outside when they knew we were coming. In consequence, we used to make sure that the RAF F-4 crews who came over every month to play in our "Fan Angel" exercises would do a bubble check on their way home as well. You knew down to the minute when they had passed, because the phone lines to Reykjavik would heat up, the U.S. Ambassador would get called on the carpet, who would immediately call the Air Forces Iceland CC, who would tell him that it was "not our guys, it was the Brits on their way home". "No, they cannot be called back and no, they will not be allowed to return". Since it was always a different squadron and a new RAF crew every month, he always kept his word. Doug Barbier Barbier Collection
An RAF Phantom, at altitude and staying out of trouble. It was not always so... Doug Barbier
You rarely see dissimilar types flying in formation nowadays, but it could still happen back in the 1970s. We've published this shot once before, but in so many ways it helps define the 57th during their time at "Kef" so we're doing it again. It was taken by Baldur Sveinnson during an airshow at Reykjavik in 1979. (Doug couldn't take it himself because he was flying one of those "T-Birds".) Sveinnson via Barbier
The Mighty Mighty "T-Bird". In this shot, -540 is flying east along the south coast of Iceland on a typical sight-seeing tour. Do you think the term "classic aircraft" might apply to Lockheed's T-33? We sure do! Doug Barbier
You gotta be tough to live in Texas, but I think we can safely say Michigan isn't too far behind in that regard. That's Doug in the photo, no longer in the "T-Bird" but still very much in the frozen north, and that's what he's been doing for the better part of this past winter. Snow's pretty if you don't have to live with it...
That's it for this round of photography from Kef, but you might want to check in with us next issue when we'll highlight some more of Doug's photography, featuring the 57th's F-4s. Stay tuned!
The Brothers Morgan
That would be Mark and Rick, of course. I met Rick first, while parked off the south end of the runway at The Late Lamented Kelly AFB while shooting arrivals on a Sunday afternoon. That chance meeting led in turn to an introduction to Rick's older brother Mark, and both have been firm friends ever since. Rick and Mark have gone on to become authors of note and have always had an exceptional talent with finely-ground glass attached to an SLR body which, in turn, takes us to today's final photo essay.
First, let's take a look at some ground studies of Northrop's seminal F-5 Tiger II, in this case in service with the NAV's adversary squadrons back in the 1980s:
Here's 159880, an F-5E and formerly AF 73-0895, sitting on the ramp at MCAS El Toro on 08 May, 1983. She was assigned to the Navy Fighter Weapons School ("Top Gun") at the time, and was looking pretty spiffy, if somewhat shopworn, on that early morning. The entire F-5 family were simple in both concept and execution and were, at least to us, the last of the pure fighters. Your mileage may vary on that one but that's what we think! Mark Morgan
And here she is again, this time at Point Mugu on the 20th of October. We're running her twice to make a point---it's the same airplane in the photo above but look at the difference in her paintwork! No; she hasn't had a recent visit to the NARF for a cosmetic makeover. What you're seeing is 100% the result of different lighting on her airframe. Modelers take note! Mark Morgan
Variation on a theme! 160794 (AF 73-0872 wore a similar, if almost entirely different (yep---I really said that!) scheme while serving with the NFWS. Mark shot her at an air show at MCAS El Toro on 28 May, 1984. On 18 April, 2003, she crashed to destruction near NAS Fallon while serving with VFC-13. Unfortunately, her pilot was killed in the accident, proving once again that there are no easy days in military aviation. Mark Morgan
The Tiger II family had a tub in the lineage, the 2-seat F-5F. Here's a prime example of same; 160964 (AF 75-0753), sitting on the ramp at El Toro on 28 April, 1985. We personally prefer the grey-based camouflage schemes used on the Navy's adversary types to the tan and green ones, but that's just a personal preference. At the end of the day it's still the same airplane, very sleek and very, very capable. No; it's not much good in bad weather, and it's far from stealthy, but it just might be the airplane to have in an old-fashioned clear air mass knife fight... Mark Morgan
Let's close things out with another Echo; this time 162796, photographed while on public display at NAS Miramar on 19 February, 1989. Another one of those pretty grey birds, she's somewhat of an anomaly in that her BuNo, 162796, ostensibly belongs to an E-2C Hawkeye, but she obviously isn't that! If YOU know the answer (Tommy? Rick? Mark? Beuller?), that e-mail address is replicainscaleatyahoodotcom! Mark Morgan
Now, let's take a look at a page from Rick Morgan's past, back in the mid-80s when he was flying with VAQ-139 aboard the Constellation. There's potentially quite a bit to see from his service during that time but today we're going to spend our efforts looking at VFA-25's F/A-18As:
It almost looks as though something's about to happen here, but you'll notice that 161948 is firmly chained to the flight deck, at least for the moment. She's not carrying Sidewinders but she's being prepared for flight nontheless. This is what TPS looks like when it's clean, by the way, or at least the way it looked on this airplane on 02 May, 1984. She ended up with the Blue Angels and was for a time (and possibly still is) on display at Florida's Valiant Air Museum. Rick Morgan
Proof positive that you can be bored during flight ops! 161955 is chained with a towbar attached in preparation for a training mission. Life eventually became more exciting for her when she was assigned to the Blue Angels flight demonstration team, but she was just another Hornet when Rick took this photo on the 2nd of May, 1984. She's presently at the museum in P'Cola, should you care about such things. Rick Morgan
Getting ready to rumble! 161950 is taxiing up to the cat in preparation for launch on a practice Alpha Strike on 01 May, 1984. She's mostly pristine in this photo, which causes us to guess that Rick took it fairly early in the cruise. The airplane eventually ended up in Spain, a far cry from her Pacific Ocean home while with VFA-25! Rick Morgan
Rick put in several cruises with VAQ-139, which explains the 08 August, 1985, date stamp on this image. In it, 161957 is manned up and getting ready for launch. Compare the overall condition of her paintwork to that of the airplanes in the previous three images. Sea service will beat an airplane to death if you let it. 957 was another VFA-25 bird that ended up with the "Blues", assigned to them in 1997. She wound up on public display in Orlando. Rick Morgan
If you go up you'll eventually have to come back down and, with any luck that adventure will be something along these lines---161948 is trapping aboard the "Connie" on 20 April, 1985. She's a little dirtier than she was in our lead photo up above, and that Sidewinder she's carrying is not of the inert variety. It's not a job; it's an adventure! Rick Morgan
Thanks as always to The Brothers Morgan, who have been with this project from the very beginning and continue to help as we move along in this journey!
Hellcat Production
Norman Camou is another of our regulars, and periodically sends us links to the really neat stuff he finds on YouTube. Here's one such example:
Thanks, Norm, and Keep 'Em Coming!
Under the Radar
There was a time, long ago, when there was no internet. There was no way to easily access a great deal of the information we now take for granted, such as USAF serial numbers and their relationship to the airplanes we were all researching and writing about, but even back then we had THIS:
United States Air Force Serials 1946 to 1969, Merseyside Society of Aviation Enthusiasts, 1969, 71pp, illustrated.
If ever there was a work we could describe as seminal to the amateur aviation enthusiast, this would surely have been it. Extremely modest in presentation, its 71 pages were chock full of information we just couldn't get anywhere else back in 1969. There was an explanation of the way the USAF of the time designated their airplanes and assigned serial numbers, there were photographs (albeit on the tiny side) to illustrate the point, and then there was the heart of the matter; page after page of serial number entries, to include block numbers and pertinent notes. As a research tool it was as good as things got back then and the information contained within its small format (6-1/2 x 8-1/4 inches!) is still entirely valid today. We suspect a large number of our readers have never heard of this tiny missive, but it's well worth acquiring if you find one for sale. We ordered ours direct from England way back in The Day, mostly because Frank Emmett forced us to do it, and have never regretted it. It once was, and could still easily be, a must-have for the serious aviation enthusiast's library. We highly recommend it.
Happy Snaps
Yes! Happy Snaps! It's been forever since we've run anything in what has become a dormant part of the project, but that's only because we haven't received anything of that nature from the military aviators in our readership for a very long time. I'm not sure why that is, but that's most assuredly the way it's been for a while. This is a special edition for us, though, so we're going to dip back into the files and find something to run. (That's a fancy way of saying we stumbled on this while looking for F/A-18s a little while ago...)
OK, is this pretty or what? Rick Morgan took it off the coast of Southern California back in February of 1987. She's 161929 and we presume she was from VFA-25, although the slide isn't so noted. We can't tell you much more about her except that she ended up at Davis Monthan in 1996, but she was The Bombdiggdy when Rick shot this photo! Rick Morgan
Here's a bonus Happy Snap for you; a 57th FIS out of Keflavik, photographed by Doug Barbier in 1979 on a rare sunny Icelandic day. Beauty! Doug Barbier
The Relief Tube
We haven't run one of these in a while either, so today must surely be The Day.
Alan Moore was going through our back pages and found a quick essay we'd done on PB4Y-1 Liberator nose art and offered this:
Dear Mr. Friddell,
I came across your blog today and while browsing I found Mr. Bobby Rocker's PB4Y-1 photos under the heading, "I Wish We Knew." All four Liberators (Only the PB4Y-2s were Privateers, BTW.) are VB-111 aircraft. (The squadron designations were changed to VPB-xxx on 1 Oct 1944.)
(746) Doc's Delight is BuNo 38746; (750) The Snooper is BuNo 38750; (38) 906 Reputation Cloudy is BuNo 38906; (38) 913 Rugged Beloved is BuNo 38913.
More information can be gleaned from
VP-111 History at . Additionally, Rugged Beloved has a Facebook page: In Memory of the Crew of PB4Y-1 #38-913 the "Rugged Beloved" Facebook
Finally, researcher Terence Geary has compiled a listing of all Navy Liberators and Privateers and it's available at Aviation Archaeological Investigation &; Research: PB4Y USN Aircraft Airframe History List Hope this helps.
Sincerely, Alan Moore Geneseo, NY
Thanks very much Alan, both for the corrections and for the web sites!
Finally, and in our One of the Many Reasons We Love This Hobby Department, we recently ran a piece about the construction of a 67th TFS F-51D we built in which we mentioned we'd messed up a couple of the numbers in the 1960s-vintage Stoppel decal sheet we were using for our buzz numbers. We put out a cry for help on these very pages and Thomas Lundgren, in Denmark, took the time to contact his friend Jacob Stoppel to inform him of our plight. Mr. Stoppel still had a couple of partial decal sheets on hand and was kind enough to send them along, thus letting me put another KW Mustang on the display shelf. Many thanks to Jacob and Thomas for that kindness and to all of you as well, for making this hobby of ours the absolute pleasure it's been for most of my life. You're an exceptional bunch!
That pretty much wraps up this special edition of Replica in Scale. My sincere thanks go out to all of you, both those who have been with the project from that extremely modest first issue and to those who have joined along the way, for making it what is is today. Thanks for your continued interest, your ongoing encouragement, and yes; your corrections. You're all as much a part of this adventure as I am and I'm grateful to each and every one of you!
A million visits. WOW!
Anyway, with any luck we'll see you again soon but until then, be good to your neighbor!